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Asthehills last won the day on June 11 2023

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  1. Would you think the same of you were a longstanding ratepaying business in town who had been refused permission to put seats outside their premises, who was now watching the clown council help a handful of businesses on the quay?
  2. Why wasn’t it in one of the others areas suggested? What was the benefit of it being on a closed road? Do other rate paying businesses who aren’t on the Quay get a refund for having the council actively try and direct footfall away from them?
  3. Yes they do , or if they don’t they are supposed to.
  4. Here is a link to some of what the SPCO paid for. It looks awesome and I want a go. It’s like being born again. https://youtu.be/5JpgpanDgds
  5. No card payments in 2023 really does just make you think it’s a bit dodgy. I assume they were issuing receipts?
  6. Or on that bit of road between the town hall and HSBC? I understand you can leave anything there without consequences so it would be perfect.
  7. Why not on the prom walkway, or outside 1886? PS. It really wasn’t busy.
  8. Prices haven’t changed and are really cheap if you book in advance, so I don’t see why not.
  9. Yeah. Ask if it due to constant criticism and bitching despite the guys in the ground (well, in the tower) doing absolutely everything in their power. Ask if it’s because of people who don’t know what they are on about constantly going on about “tea breaks” I am surprised any are left.
  10. We all know it’s too late, but what is the point banging on and on and on about what people who don’t work there anymore should have done years ago. They are trying to fix it. The more incessant moaning from people online about a situation that can’t be changed quickly the worse it will get. If you worked in ATC and were doing your best but logged on every day to see people moaning about something that there can’t be any more done about would you feel valued and stay? Don’t be surprised if we see more leave. The same applies right across government and politics here. Yes there are problems but there is decent progress being made in many areas but people still moan. It’s pathetic and never ending. I know people who work in the civil service (mainly DOI) who make up a fake job if people ask them to avoid the inevitable crap that gets spouted.
  11. What a load of crap. There is hardly a shortage of work. Look at the job pages. We have shortages of people in all industries and at all levels and it is a major barrier for businesses just trying to remain staffed at their current levels, never mind grow. We need more workers for the island to even tread water at the moment. Nearly every hospitality business is looking as there simply aren’t enough people to do the work and hospitality staff are jumping to better paid jobs with more sociable hours. It’s not sustainable. We NEED more people.
  12. Haven’t they just finished a local campaign to recruit trainees? Lets not let facts get in the way of a pointless rant though.
  13. Do you not travel off island much?
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