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Declan last won the day on February 6

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  1. Alf survives 14 to 10. Limps on. Manx Public continue to have no confidence in the CM, COMIN, Tynwald, and senior leadership in CS. Alf and supporters ejected next election. But the government continues anyway. Everything gets worse Isle of Man Tynwald and Government put into special measures and direct government from Dublin, Oslo or Reykjavik for two years to sort out the constitution and structure of government.
  2. Credit where credit is due. Gaslightlng Hooper by accusing him of gaslighting takes it to a new dimension.
  3. An aversion to seeing people enjoy themselves and watching the TT are not mutually exclusive.
  4. The website suggests it’s a community hall run by volunteers and available for booking. https://theinstitute.im/history-of-the-institute/ Though there’s still away to go to “emancipate minds from the slavery of ignorance”
  5. There's no reason to suggest they won't have licensed it properly. Anyway if she was electioneering you'd think she would occasionally acknowledge the existence of Port Erin.
  6. Just like she interviews musicians and local am dram types. They're performers. Well, yeah - they're drag performers. So they're part of that tradition. I don't think anyone has a problem with you describing Drag Artists as attention seekers - it's show-biz. Why? Giving people stick for how they dress is bullying and suggesting they invite it is victim blaming.
  7. Sounds like £7.50 with retail markup of £2.50, which seems reasonable. Obviously there will be costs in making the disc as well.
  8. Bandcamp is local. You buy direct from the band. Also if you buy on Bandcamp Friday the fees go to the band.
  9. Declan


    There’s a Fall song for every occasion.
  10. Part of the problem is people having a deposit ready and means to pay rent, and putting in offers on flats at or above the asking price and still getting knocked back because there’s twenty other people bidding for the flat. It’s not just people who lack the skills to cope with day to day living, although I appreciate that those living quietly in B&Bs or sofa surfing won’t cross Thomo2010’s path.
  11. What were you expecting Chinahand? Surely the title and Guy Ritchie credit points to a half-assed Cockney As inglorious bastards.
  12. Actually, I would suggest, the motivation is to cause terror and to use that terror to leverage your cause. A false bomb threat only threatens violence but could be terrorism. Equally it doesn’t need to be aimed at government. A militant climate change protestor attacking bank staff to get the board to divest from oil, would be terrorist.
  13. Hatred? Revenge? Money? But I think there needs to be a desire to create terror for an act to be terrorist. So this attack could very well be terrorist without being Islamicist.
  14. Imagine if the king condemned the rioters.
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