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Declan last won the day on February 6

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  1. Reardon is twenty-five years older than Davis.
  2. It’s worth pointing out, as Roger has, how little legislation is taking place at the moment. People moaned about this and the removal of the bishop’s vote wasting time. But the Keys only meet once a week and Tynwald once a month. If there were legislation that was being crowded out (and there isn’t) then they could sit for longer. I think if Cannon had his way they wouldn’t be debating Assisted Dying. To be honest it isn’t my priority but it is for many people. Should they ignore those people and not discuss this issue. Maybe they’d be finished by lunch.
  3. It's interesting that neither her or Obama are descendents of American slaves. In fact three of their parents emigrated to America for study from newly independent Commonwealth countries. I wonder if the same opportunities exist for today's kids.
  4. That would be a fair point, if used by genuine Nazis. But saying "Joe Bloggs is gay" as an insult is a thing only little kids say. Like drawing swasatikas. Whereas "gas" looked like doubling down. So yes, there is a distinction between naughty kids and Nazis.
  5. I'd prefer to carry on as we are than introduce delays by rerouting to through the Sea Terminal for no reason.
  6. When I saw the image of the graffitti I thought the bottom left one said "gas" with a cloud over it. So, surrounded by swastikas it seemed sinister. Instead I now realise that is says "[redacted] is gay" and it just looks like kids. Its funny what a bit of casual homophobia can do.
  7. If it bothers you pick a better user next time you sneak back in after a ban.
  8. It's clearly in the box that says "Le Colombo said:" Why pretend otherwise, when we can all see it?
  9. She’s very good. The momentum seems to be with her. Saw her last year and she had great songs but there was something in how she carried herself on stage that made me think she could crossover into the mainstream. Jack Walter was her road manager then but has since been in her band during recent TV appearances.
  10. If you just want a bed Easy Hotel is clean, cheap and central. Aloft is bit more expensive and has a bar. Liverpool hotel Prices fluctuate quite a lot depending on if Liverpool are at home or Taylor Swift is in town etc.
  11. Austerity is a Tory policy. My experience is homelessness and poverty has increased almost year on year during those years. Yeah there's been building and the Northern Quarter is fun but it is obviously not improved in recent years.
  12. He wants them to open the machine while the bank was open?
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