The BBC at it's best (i'm assuming it's not to offend more touchy religions).
What I don't get is what random mortars, qazzam rockets, suicide bombings and recent abductions and murder of children (and they were children(and I'm dubious of the revenge murders too)) are they meant to do? Jeez, I was just up the road when this herbert killed himself with two taps to the noggin from a 9mm, wasn't a good time to be a manx lad with an english accent I can tell you.
What I'm trying to say is - aren't the Palestinians trying to bring on their own bloodshed with a hard bastard that won't back down but if you keep on bombing is we'll stand up to the mark and have it with you?
Surely there is a time to talk and surely the religion of peace can have a word with the hotheads of their peaceful background that don't want world domination and just want to grow some ace olives to sit down and have a word with the other hotheads of the other religion that just want to grow oranges.
Second thoughts, this is the way the world can unite.
Major problem with the honeybee at the moment, major problem with that area of the world. Joint effort, save the bee. Nowt Jewish, nowt Isreali, nowt Muslim, nowt Palestinian. They could save us. Maybe we could do a ManxForums effort. Save the bee, save the ongoing Isreali/Palestinian conflict. I'll leave it to you lot to get a better catch phrase.