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  1. The Gov need to make sure at least a scene is filmed here for some credibility and kudos! BBC News mentions filming in the Isle of... Skye.
  2. There's going to have to be some spectacular spending on the island to wipe off the 17 million already written off the initial investment !!!! i think you will find it's more like 24 million...... or should that be 29 million? Say what now?
  3. But surely it's about more than a simple RoI on the balance sheets? It's about a RoI via the spend it brings and jobs it creates (albeit temporary) by having production done on-Island? The plan is surely to recoup the investment (which is an investment and can be sold) via contribution to the economy of the Island than a simple black and red on a balance sheet?
  4. Hmm yeah, buy the Ben, mothball it in Douglas Bay but PROMISE to turn it in a hotel/leisure facility ONE day...
  5. They'll do what EuroManx did and not have them on-Island/within our waters when the bomb goes bang.
  6. I'd say that there is some reasoning behind the provision of healthcare, education, security, transport, and justice. I would reason that if the government makes provisions for people's physical health, transport needs, and education, then it should also be concerned with the mental wellbeing and quality of life of its citizens, but for some reason it does not consider this a very high priority. Ideally the government would not be responsible for these things, but considering the nature of our current system it seems odd to me that it should not be. The bottom line is that leisure is an important part of our economy and good facilities facilitate good economic development. If you build it, they will come. If you don't build it, they will, um... park their cars there.
  7. Weren't they going to build some 7 storey glass building with confrencing facilities? I'm seeing a theme here...
  8. LOL, brilliant - we're on to them! Not so much a race between the tortoise and the hare, but just two tortoises.
  9. http://www.manxradio.com/newsread.aspx?id=39302 I'll be dead from old age before they break ground, let alone build anything!
  10. correct john it does no harm to live in hope. exactly what the sefton groups PR machine has set out to achieve whilst doing nothing except biuld its land bank. If Sefton do have a PR machine - it's not very good given that everyone seems to be excited, but rolling their eyes when they hear Sefton Group are behind it! The again, what PR agency can get round the lack of inaction and spin this any other way?
  11. That is more due to the numbskulls who run the place - as an example, Watchmen, a highly anticipated film which topped the box-office charts around the world after its release was given ONE screening at the Palace. This screening sold out without being advertised. The Palace have no plans to show the film again. Plus the place is a grotty, smelly pit run by pensioners and staffed by surly rejects from Marilyn Manson's band. Watchmen has been on already?! Oh **** Hurry up and build THE WAVE!
  12. Yup - a market of 80,000 people with little other choice. I think some people stop frequenting places such as The Palace Cinema, because the facilities just aren't up to scratch.
  13. How is that a gun to their heads? Other bidders were interested?
  14. The Wave will happen - Sefton Group http://www.manxradio.com/newsread.aspx?id=34119
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