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buncha wankas

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  1. It infers that the arrears are council tenants, would be good to know what arrears their business tenants owe that contribute to that sum. would put bet that this is just propaganda to show ‘how hard they work’
  2. Great system, civil servants don’t do their jobs properly, political members get ousted, so best way to get rid of any elected person you don’t like in your business is don’t do your job, they get ousted and you get Pat on the back the public scream about incompetence of some civil servant senior managers but then do the Civil servants a favour by getting rid of politicians like a revolving door. meanwhile Hooper still sits as a minister of fresh air while DHSC get lots of new posts to build empire. The empire we passed to ManxCare. Talk about paying Peter to pay Paul.
  3. Where are the railings or boundary between grass public area and the road, did they not replace these because of cutting costs, seems they don’t want children and families playing there as they give direct access to the main road.
  4. Mr 5% doesn’t even put what he did before (his civil service post) he was a bank teller then fast paced with no previous experience other than a political (give it a go racer) opening doors for him. Like any useless CS (because good ones are kept down to support useless ones) he has zig zagged up the salary ladder. Strange that his CV drops off over 10yrs of his work life, not that I am judging if he was unemployed. Mr 5% can running a company he is CEO of and work full time is bound to drop balls doing 2 jobs separately OR does he? Never met the bloke but he likes to advertise his role and status so not sure why no one can mention his name.
  5. I agree with you but if Phillips put it on one piece it wouldn’t make his 70k plus overtime look worth it and his team of 50k plus, mate being needed. Has anyone seen a backbencher ask questions in respect of money wasted, debt incurred and impact on local trader and employees. I bet not one of the MHKs dare.
  6. What has Phillips TT manager got against him, did he not give him a merchandising discount on his cycling sideline 😆 let’s hope local expertise is utilised and TT development manager gets binned. Cost us a lot of money 💵
  7. St Christopher’s keep getting the contract to run these homes, there are civil servants who get paid to oversee the tender and contract operating under their sections budgets, but obviously don’t as it takes an independent report paid for by us, so effectively we are paying 3 times to ensure vulnerable kids get the care they deserve. Madness
  8. E0 is anything up to 38/40k a Higher EO is anything up to about 50k and a senior EO is up to approx 58k depending if they are establish staff or new ones. It’s a lot of money for tick boxers as there is no responsibility, consequences, oversight or management decisions, it’s just following procedures and policy. Easy money.
  9. Get the prisoners out to clean beaches and seaweed, the will be grateful for skill base and getting out to work.
  10. The girls story has changed many times
  11. They should have put tractor money into infrastructure on the beach like the Victorians did, fools following fools in Corpy, pretend to be wanting to go electric, green whatever latest fad is but power a tractor to go round and round chairing its tail rounding up seaweed and then the next tide disperses it again. Idiots.
  12. We were sold the waste plant as greener and better value, now we are stuck with rising costs the less we use it due to recycling and off island corporates making profit, we can’t afford this tiny island applying systems than even bigger nations can’t afford. We have thousands of boats and jets passing us daily but apparently a few windmills AND a power plant, both of which need fossil fuel to exist and work will save the planet. The planet will evolve as it has for thousands of millions of years, humans will die out, it’s the nature of evolution.
  13. Naa, he is just stupid enough to have been minister of DHSC for years and doesn’t understand the properties are under his remit as DHSC own the properties, Manx care just use them and DOI maintain them/run them into the ground by not managing budget. 4 million in wages for DHSC and not one of them holding reigns of asset strategy.
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