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Numbnuts last won the day on May 22

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  1. What an ignorant comment to make. Mind blowing some of the comments made on this forum by sad people.
  2. I too have suffered from ME which as you know is very variable with no clear pattern. The thoughts that anyone with long term illness is happy with their lot is just nonsense . I was receiving at the time £112 a week to live on with an additional small income support amount . Living alone it was so difficult to manage and survive and pay my bills and eat etc. I was helped massively by the permitted work scheme that the benefit department has in place. That and a friend who was willing to give me 9 hours a week to enable me to try and get back into the work place. It worked and also helped my mental state massively. Having always worked hard all my life not being able to work and the worry over finances really hurt my mental health. There’s no easy answer for many but there is options for some thankfully. Of course there’s some people seeing it as a free ride but for most they so don’t want to be on benefits .
  3. You forgot the role that cretin Henderson played in that appointment. Between him and the main sponsor , Teare , it brought so much pain and worry to many including me. I actually went to the social affairs committee to speak out against the totally flawed procedure. The fact Dependability got removed from the contract because they were using unqualified staff for the interviews says it all. Your point about agreeing with some sort of monitoring of claimants I too agreed totally and made that exact point at the hearing. But again as you say it has to be someone who totally understands the complexities of the ailment people are suffering from. Good for you for fighting the corner. I fought too as I was suffering with a particular illness that little is known about but can leave me fatigued for weeks.
  4. I have a couple of friends who were ‘locked up’ in Comis hotel on return to the Island . They put the claim in for reimbursement for what they paid the day it was announced it would be repaid.They inquired the other day when might they receive moneys due back and were informed treasury haven’t worked out how to refund it . Couldn’t make it up. Actually knowing our lot perhaps I can. Don’t really believe that reason but nothing they can do. Considering if they didn’t pay on arrival they were threatened with jail seems not unreasonable that it should have been refunded immediately . How about slamming treasury officials in jail for not refunding it. Or Afie perhaps.
  5. 1 1/2 hours before it was due to Sail they wouldn’t know who was not turning I’d have thought.
  6. Have a friend who was delayed coming in from Spain due to the internet outage has big issues trying to get back home due to flight cancellations. He was told the boat was full but just messaged me to say he got on Manannan . So not sure what’s gone on there. Bit early for standby. Unless they’ve upped the passenger count . Can they do that ?
  7. Numbnuts

    IT outage

    Hailwood say that they were affected.Apparently the issue on getting back to normal is caused mainly due to reboot in safe mode for many users which is causing problems to implement.
  8. I agree and been saying this for along time. A massive cull but just watch the squirming nearer the time to try and hold onto the gravy train.
  9. Must be an angle for Wallaby tours with an evening meal included if the cafe/resturant was more attractive and viable !!
  10. Do they close all through practice and race week and MGP etc ? Guess they must so there’s staff salaries still to be paid without any income. And of course still feed for the animals . Got to say last time I was in I wasn’t impressed and very few animals of any note .
  11. Well Cannans brother works there so he’s not going to be in a hurry to close it
  12. Forrest Homes and Tom Doyle owned that site , Little Switzerland , and he had it along time before it was demolished and then he died . Not sure what’s happening with the firm now but a son was involved in it when Tom was alive Seems developers get away with lots with road closures . The one at the bottom corner of Derby Square has been closed of it seems for years ..
  13. Well if that’s the results of the best hair care they need a change of vocation .
  14. Anyone , and I mean anyone who defends or supports Trump needs serious help. A pathological liar , a convicted rapist , a complete low life and it’s looking like he’s going to get in. God help us as nothing like his next time in power is going to be like anything we have ever seen. Including a tough time ahead for the Ukrainians and a massive increase in Trump and his lackeys bank balances. It’s really scary as to what might happen. He lies , even worse than that other liar Johnson and that’s saying something. He has got the same issues though as can’t control his dick. Says everything about the standard of education in the States sadly.
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