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  1. There are plenty of Israelis protesting the destruction in Gaza.
  2. "Deicide to stay put" yeah being on an incubator makes that not really a choice doesn't it you ghoul.
  3. Yes I am desperate for Israel to stop killing children actually thanks for noticing.
  4. Leaders can be deposed through protest and civil unrest. Militias? Not so sure.
  5. Hezbollah's political wing has seats in parliament, and Netanyahus message was to the "people", not the Government.
  6. So a civil war that will result in lots of dead civilians then, like I said.
  7. What do you think "Stand up and take your country back" equates to if not a civil war?
  8. "Die in a civil war or we'll destroy your country like we have Gaza" is something you frequently see the good guys say to a civilian population.
  9. Some quite odd logic in this video. "Settler colonialism is fine because other people did it too". "You can't ignore 70 years of history when deciding what's fair about land in the region (but you can ignore the thousand before that)". "Oct 7th was "primarily" targeted at civilians" - I'm not sure this can be stated as fact, the first ~370 or so casualties were military personnel. Hamas claims that the civilian deaths which followed were unintentional - having seen the footage I can only imagine "unintentional" means "not an order from command but still deliberate", and that's being generous. There's dispute over how many of the civilian deaths were actually caused by Israel's fire. When examining who is responsible for the civilian deaths in Gaza, he attributes all the blame to Hamas because they haven't returned the hostages.. while completely ignoring the multiple agreements to return the hostages. He claims the civilian to military ratio is 2:1, but there's no verification of the figures of dead Hamas members so this point is moot. He also claims the pager attack was well targeted, but an attack whereby you do not know where the bombs are cannot by definition be well targeted.
  10. History is only allowed to be invoked to justify Israel's attacks on Gaza, I forgot sorry. The "olive branches" tended to include clauses allowing Israel to perpetuate oppression. I don't know, but if the UK was treating the IOM the way Israel has treated Gaza for the last 70 years, I'd probably have been on that boat.
  11. But do you believe they just started doing that out of boredom for shits and giggles? Or could it possibly be because Israel forced 700,000+ out of their homes, destroyed their homes, killed people, stole land? And then spent 70 years oppressing those same people, and keeping the boot on their neck? I haven't seen anyone in this thread describe Hamas as an innocent. What people should recognise, though, is that Hamas' existence is an inevitability under the conditions provided to Gaza by Israel. I think if most people are honest, and imagined a situation where the Vikings came and took the IOM, claiming that that was fine because they'd been here thousands of years ago, forced everyone they loved out of their homes (or killed them), and kept them all in a camp where they occasionally "mowed the lawn" and killed a bunch of kids, with no hope or control over their future, the average person would probably be prone to some resistance.
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