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HeliX last won the day on April 15

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  1. Normal stuff a normal country would do.
  2. Well, yes. Because it was grossly unjust to the existing population. But typical western colonial arrogance.
  3. Of course the timing isn't a coincidence, but we're discussing the cause not the choice of start date.
  4. If they want their Government to stop giving Israel unconditional support it is absolutely the way to go. And it seems to be having an effect, because Biden has finally started putting some conditions on the delivery of weapons. Which has elicited this totally reasonable and sane response from one of the beneficiaries of the huge amounts of money and munitions Biden has given Israel.
  5. It's one in a long series of massacres of Palestinians carried out by Israelis between the 1930s and the kicking off of the war. I've not suggested anyone in the region is blameless (other than civilians).
  6. So you agree that Americans who aren't very fond of Palestinian kids being turned into skeletons have a good reason to protest the American government about it. Why did you deflect instead of just saying that?
  7. Once again, the Arab League invaded because Israel kept massacring civilians.
  8. The Government gave that money. From everyone's taxes. And bombs. From everyone's taxes.
  9. As usual you dodge anything you can't respond to. You know this is why almost nobody bothers to engage with you?
  10. Has their country recently given 24billion dollars and near limitless ordnance to any of those?
  11. They didn't yet realise that Israel is a rogue state that will ignore any and all international judgements, so they probably thought it would follow UN Resolution 194.
  12. The partition was grossly unfair, and the attempt to "destroy the State of Israel" was because Israel kept fucking massacring Palestinians.
  13. No, as stated, the primary driving force behind the animosity and war is displacement, and then the Deir Yassin Massacre.
  14. What country has ever handed over a massive portion of it's land for no reward? If any other ethnic group had been gifted a load of land there do you think they'd have let it slide given you seem to think the problem is antisemitism and not the grossly unfair transfer of land and ensuing disposession and violence?
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