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  1. After all my bills are paid I have less than 139 a week to live on
  2. Most definitely. They assaulted police officers because they were unhappy their mother was searched. I'm more concerned about the well being of the police officers who were assaulted than these animals.
  3. Says who? The officer or anyone for that fact can use reasonable force. It will be up to the officer to justify that not people on the Internet or ambulance chasing lawyers.
  4. The guy being kicked didn't look restrained to me, his hands were free
  5. I'm far from gung ho and again you have no idea what my profession is as I've never actually said what it is people like you just make assumptions and assume you're correct
  6. So the fact Burnham hasn't come out condemning the police officer and calling GMP racist which seems to be the go to thing these days would suggest the 'victims' aren't as innocent as being suggested. I see their ambulance chasing lawyer has been on the news saying the guy kicked has discovered he has a cyst on his brain.
  7. Shame for those serving officers to have family members like that
  8. Have you ever been in a situation like that? If not then your opinion is largely irrelevant
  9. None of them were cuffed at the time of anything you've said.
  10. Don't fight with the police, break one of their noses and put 2 of them in hospital then the rest doesn't happen does it? Funny how everyone is quick to defend the scum who started it.
  11. Well that's your opinion which you're entitled to. I mean I don't respect you or what you think but you're entitled to your opinion
  12. No but I'm also not outside a police station when a white guy acts like an animal and gets a booting
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