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  1. US deploys Thaad anti-missile system to Israel after Iranian attack https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c20jye8v5dro Tacit approval by the US of the incursion into Lebanon to give Hezbollah a slapping. After all, they've been trying to murder Israeli citizens with their incessant rocket attacks...
  2. "... we can see opportunities for the organisation to take several million pounds worth of costs out year on year without impacting front line services..." A bold statement. Especially as the projections indicate a 5% budget rise year on year. Which would mean 5% of savings every year just to draw level. Now in my experience your biggest costs are your staff. So does "several million pounds worth of costs" equate to a reduced headcount? Clue: I very much doubt it...
  3. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "sovrinty".... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. I meant the families who were interviewed on their intentions who declared they would be staying in the target area as you well know you drama queen. And nobody should be in the least bit surprised that Hamas would hide out in hospitals, schools, safe zones and so forth. It's got to be bloody obvious even to you why they would do this...
  5. I'm sure you'll eventually realise that the world will be a better place when it's minus murderous thugs like Hamas and Hezbollah. I'm a parent and to see the innocent suffer due to useless parents making stupid decisions is not on. But they're told to evacuate the target area and they decide to stay put with disastrous and inevitable consequences. There is nothing anyone can do against stupidity like that...
  6. Sarah Wilkinson - Was... Graphic Designer. Is... Working for Freedom and Justice in Palestine. Wants... An End to the Illegal israeli Occupation of Palestine Has she never heard of the UN Partition of the territory...? You seem to be getting ever more desperate...
  7. Israel knows only too well that just as Iran funded and raised Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon it would try exactly the same tactic in the West Bank.
  8. If only Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran considered them...
  9. It's possibly about even but the numbers of Hezbollah are always going to be a guesstimate. I suspect Netanyahu is looking for help on the ground. Made me smile when HeliX mentioned Hezbollah having folks in the parliament when we had the same in the UK only Sinn Fein never took up their seats.
  10. The armed forces of Lebanon, directed by their government, hopefully wiping out a scummy terrorist organisation is not an a civil uprising as any fule kno.
  11. It equates to the removal of a bunch of terrorist scum armed and funded by Iran. The government and so forth will remain the same. Now about the "good guys"...
  12. What "civil war" is that? By "good guys" do you mean those under constant terrorist attack? I think you're getting worse if such a thing was possible...
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