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De nada

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  1. A talking hotel... https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/government-neglecting-tourism-sector-says-douglas-hotel/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR01fDucnCrPL1gNmFIU7aZY4VzOPAGNiFiaMTjgmgNcXUmHBRy7o8rq1Rc_aem_4TiI9aX-Uebz79RNVSaSQw
  2. It's too small to have categories...
  3. Exactly... but it never stops you.
  4. Callister drafting an apology for pressing the wrong button.
  5. So black AND Jewish then?
  6. Not really, it's just situation normal.
  7. Trolling for responses? Cheap.
  8. Peter?
  9. #shrugs# Will not make any difference.
  10. For every one caught, how many are getting away without being caught?
  11. 'Just don't give a fuck' is the go to reason... because 'they're incredibly thick'
  12. They will now because it's been brought to everyone's attention.
  13. Alabama https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2k9gl6g49o At least four people have been killed and dozens injured in a mass shooting in Birmingham, Alabama, police say. “Multiple shooters fired multiple shots on a group of people” late on Satuday in the Five Points South area of the city, Birmingham police officer Truman Fitzgerald said. Police found the bodies of two men and one woman at the scene and a fourth victim died of bullet wounds in hospital, he said. ETA There have been more than 400 mass shootings across the US so far this year, according to the Gun violence archive which defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are injured or killed.
  14. Georgia... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c897430zx4zt Four people have died and nine others are injured after a gunman opened fire at Apalachee High School in the US state of Georgia The father of a 14-year-old boy accused of killing four people at his high school in the US state of Georgia has been arrested. Colin Gray, 54, is facing four charges of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight of cruelty to children, said the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Authorities have charged his son, Colt Gray, with four counts of murder and said they plan to prosecute him as an adult. His first court appearance is due on Friday morning
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