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Passing Time

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Passing Time last won the day on March 3 2023

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  1. You really are one nosey blert
  2. If it didn’t involve you, why are you interested?
  3. Rush hour 😂😂😂
  4. You certainly are...
  5. Don’t be stupid, they park there so that they don’t have to pay to park in the designated car parks
  6. I've mentioned the exact same thing to Mrs PT - she, however, is not keen
  7. Pot, kettle, black…
  8. Problem is that government won't/can't do anything about the inflated rents on the island so what choice do people have?
  9. Why shouldn't they live there?
  10. Just received notification from a taxi firm that the RTLC have instructed taxis to charge the after midnight rate from 11pm onwards. One more reason to not use taxis
  11. And always make sure you ask for chicken wings... remember, cats and rats don't fly
  12. Should just put traffic lights there
  13. You're not from round here are you...
  14. People did know about it you moron. Read the story properly before mouthing off
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