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jackwhite last won the day on April 13 2022

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  1. jackwhite


    Maybe I misunderstood the question. Let me know if you need anything else.
  2. jackwhite


    Yeah. It’s ‘in the works’ from what I know.
  3. jackwhite


    Literally you aren’t allowed to advertise. Walk into a place selling cigarettes currently, it’s covered and they only are allowed to show you what they have if you ask. You can’t advertise online. I’m not in a position to provide in depth examples as I’m entertaining tonight. If you do want me to, let me know and I will another day. They sell through boxes of cigars pretty much as and when they’re received.
  4. jackwhite


    Humour? An escape from the Mrs?
  5. jackwhite


    Fair enough. I don’t disagree. Having many conversations, I’m sure they wouldn’t either.
  6. jackwhite


    You are free to choose what you believe. I know the reality. Did you know some other places here sell cigars? I’m going to say, unless you have bought somewhere else then no. The reason, you’re not allowed to say. The fines are extremely heavy.
  7. jackwhite


    Heavy fines for advertising any tobacco, even information. They have sought a lot of advice from those in the industry and it’s something I’ve got chapter and verse on for projects of mine.
  8. jackwhite


    It’s fine mate. It was cold in winter until they got a handle on it but they’ve sorted the door and the building itself is warm. Never known it to be cold since they originally opened and got to grips with it. They also have heaters on hand if required.
  9. jackwhite


    I will comment on your question only. The rest in here is just a pile on and I’ve said I won’t get involved. Tobacco is very strictly regulated these days. One of the consequences of that is you’re not allowed to advertise it. If you want to know any more about the stock they carry, drop me a message and I will forward it on. I will then come back to you with their response. I know as a rough outline but do know they’re doing well on them and the stock is ever changing. Alternatively, if you’re ok with socials, drop them a message and they’ll be happy to advise you.
  10. Completely disagree on this, each time I've been the food has been very good and perfectly seasoned.
  11. I didn't say I was pleased, I said it's something they're working on. It's still more than O'Donnells have, and they're only in their infancy currently. I'm happy to give them some time to see what else they bring in.
  12. It’s not owned by Italians, it’s very much owned by an Irish guy. Some of the stuff on the walls completely gives that away. I think I mentioned this before and that it’s something they are working on. They also have a couple of decent Irish whiskies. By way of that it’s already significantly more Irish than O’Donnells which has been getting away with being called an Irish bar for years when it’s as Irish as Gareth Southgate.
  13. What makes you say it’s not an Irish bar?
  14. Don’t know the absolute specifics but no plans for TVs, as far as I know.
  15. Not closed down but it’s not open currently. Will be again at some point but not clear when that will be.
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