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About HeteroErectus

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    Liberté, Egalité des chances, fraternité.

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  1. Has anybody heard about a referee fighting with players during a match this week? They get a lot of stick, not sure if justified or no?
  2. More and more US "aid" to Israel to buy more and more weapons from US arms companies which the politicians are all heavily invested in. The most disgusting form of money laundering.
  3. That perhaps this isn't the 2 sided "war" or "conflict" it has been labelled as for 7 months. There's a great book called "drone theory" by Gregoire Chamayou. It looks at the mentality required to kill people from distance. A pilot in texas can be at his "office" on the military base in 20 minutes, take control of a drone, killing a bunch of people thousands of miles away. Back home for meatloaf with the wife and kids. I'd love to know if anyone here arguing that the vast amount of innocents killed are justified as a byproduct of "war", would feel comfortable firing the rocket into a building that kills 10 toddlers to 1 terrorist? "War is a nasty, ugly business". It doesn't have to be according to these pictures. In fact it doesn't look like a war at all. It almost looks like...
  4. (My personal favourite..) Beach volleyball.... in a "warzone".
  5. Eating brunch in a restaurant... in a "warzone".
  6. Guys we get it. We did all along. Hamas are terrorists. You've been banging out the same song out for the last 7 months. They represent Gaza, they were elected by the people based on one issue and haven't had a vote since. Again, Gaza/Palestine isn't a recognised state as defined by international law. Part of statehood requires we adhere to rules, ethics and principles that raise us above the barbarians. Israel IS NOT DOING THAT. Let's use instagrams geo location feature to see what the young people of Israel are doing in a WARZONE on a Saturday morning....
  7. Heard it was terrorism.
  8. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4zIwebqpch/?igsh=MWcwbnV0dHBmYnhtbg== Nobody cares what you say @P.K. You're at best stupid..and at worst.. devoid morally and stupid.
  9. Respectfully, your political commentary is completely irrelevant until you come around and personally empty my bins.
  10. Whether the government puts the money in it's right or left pocket doesn't matter.
  11. I've mentioned this before. Look through the IOM pink book. The money brought in from income tax doesn't cover the benefits spend.
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