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The Voice of Reason

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  1. Yes I do enjoy the odd oyster ( with Tabasco) . Yourself ? But the last occasion I went to the fishmongers was to buy smoked haddock to make kedgeree. I’m rather proud of my kedgeree making skills, I would go so far as to say it is my signature dish.
  2. Well sometimes you know these things aren’t all about money, legal stuff or political manouvering. Examples of which are becoming less and less frequent. But it’s not as you say the IOM Government “ found the budget” to embarrass Westminster. I think, for once the motives were purer than that. I don’t recall any public outcry over the expenditure in raising the wreck. Of course, in these more straightened times there would be more debate about such expenditure but at the time the IOM Government had the resources to raise the wreck and did the right thing. It is something we should take pride in, rather than decry.
  3. I don’t. I think people get upset by them because they are idiots. They attack national monuments, sporting events and disrupt the lives of ordinary people to quite an extraordinary level. And furthermore put peoples lives in danger with their motorway antics etc. How they think all this will attract people to their cause I have no idea.
  4. Yes Tinpot is obviously itching for a fight so best ignored. However there does seem to be this assumption by some that anyone who takes drugs, or deals drugs really should not face any sort of sanction. Whether or not you agree with that, its illegal and you know that either as a drug user or a drug dealer. The comparison with someone who hit his wife, who unfortunately died as a consequence is a facile one. They should go through due process regardless or irrespective of how drug dealers, paedophiles, shoplifters, whoever, are dealt with, having regard to the particular circumstances of their ownoffence. There is no equivalence between the two ( or three ) offences and it makes no sense to try and claim there is.
  5. That is a somewhat simplistic view of things. Well actually an incredibly simplistic view of things, the implication being that drug dealers are being overly harshly dealt with.
  6. To be fair, if Andy Wint is presenting a 70’s music show and he researches bits from the internet and shares them, about an artist or group whose record he is playing I don’t have a problem with that. It can be informative. That said I look forward to hearing Mott the Hooples “ All the Young Dudes” being played on the radio without the DJ mentioning it was written by, and gifted to the group, by David Bowie. I think everyone knows that by now. But what I didn’t know until recently that after the success of “ Dudes” Bowie offered Mott “Drive in Saturday “ as a follow up, which they declined. I’m glad about that because it would probably squeeze into my top ten DB tracks of all time.
  7. I guess you don’t want to hear about my visit to the fishmongers then?
  8. There may be some correlation but I think that’s a dangerous generalisation and far too simple. I’m very keen on workers rights but that doesn’t influence my thoughts on other issues like the death penalty. Because you have left wing leanings for example with regards to workers rights there may be an assumption that you are in favour of freely available abortion. That it all comes as some sort of ideological package. But it needs to be discussed issue by issue.
  9. Well probably only he ( and a few trusted others ) know. He may be, he may not be. Does it really matter?
  10. Well each to their own. I described my own experience yesterday. I got a parking spot opposite the butchers, walked across the road ( couple of yards), and on impulse bought my pork chops ( transaction time 3 minutes max). Then walked to Spar ( say ten yards) bought my crisps ( similar transaction time 3 minutes say). Admittedly this was less than an impulse buy than the pork chops. So say 10 minutes in total. Parking disc allows for an hour. Thus I had , if I wanted, 50 minutes to sit in the car, eat my pickled onion crisps whilst admiring my recently purchased pork chops, at the same time keeping my eye on the time allowed by displaying my parking disc. But I didn’t. I drove home.
  11. Don’t beat yourself up about it 😄
  12. Snap!
  13. I think the thing is it should be formerly
  14. Yes it’s not good is it. There are minor grammar misdemeanors and this horrendous sort of thing
  15. I didn’t use that phrase. I said they had stood the test of time. I’m not sure what effect you thought I was going for
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