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The Voice of Reason

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  1. Don’t blame you. I have had a couple of temporary bans. First from “my learned friend” for nothing more than expressing an opinion which obviously was at odds from his own. Secondly from a bespectacled anonymous avatar for the mildest of insults towards a fellow contributor. It probably is a thankless task, not one I would like to undertake. But it perhaps would be good for them to have like a VAR thing and reverse their decision if there is a clear and obvious error. There doesn’t seem to be an appeal process. But there you go. In the wider scheme of things it really doesn’t matter but if you are unfairly dealt with it’s human nature to be pissed off. Like being short changed in the pub, something like that.
  2. It’s a common misconception that Canute ordered back the waves. Well that’s not actually true. He did order back the waves but not so he could demonstrate how powerful he was, rather to demonstrate that only God would have the power command the waves. And humans, even though they may be kings had no such power. You may of course already know that, but lots of people don’t. So rather than the tale showing him to be a fool, he was actually being rather astute. There you go.
  3. Why not? I’d have those children up those chimney’s before you could say Jack Robinson. ECHR or no ECHR !
  4. Could you not have just told me that instead of your snidey “ Google it” which lead to me to a completely different result? Is it too much trouble to clarify what you mean?
  5. Just did. Top result is “ Make my trip” Most helpful, thank you
  6. That’s sad. I didn’t have time for his Scottish independence thing but he seemed a decent enough bloke. He pursued an agenda which I didn’t subscribe to. But I disagree politically with a lot of a people without wishing them ill. I did make an exception for Thatcher though
  7. Well if it doesn’t inhibit the UK in doing what it wants there’s surely no reason for the UK to remain a party to it and it may as well leave. Don't you agree?
  8. Indeed I do “The ECHR is the European Convention on Human Rights [which established the Court] It was drafted in the aftermath of the Second World War and the Holocaust in an attempt to protect the people from the State, make sure the atrocities committed would never be repeated, and safeguard fundamental rights.” So a good idea initially, but like the EEC and NGO’s like Greenpeace and Amnesty International has drifted into spacesit was never intended for it to occupy.
  9. The UK Government and the UK Government alone, should be implementing and enforcing all legislation that governs UK businesses and citizens . Without outside bodies, like the ECHR and previously the EU, being able to override such legislation. Yes by all means look at what other countries have done, and, if and where appropriate pass similar legislation. And adopt practices that have been proven to be beneficial elsewhere and reject those that haven’t. But the UK should not have other countries telling it what to do when it comes to enacting its own domestic legislation. (Imagine the UK being able to stymie the law makers in the USA!) That surely is something that most people would agree with.
  10. For what it’s worth the legislation referred to was enacted by the previous Conservative government, but the principle remains
  11. This was my point:- “These changes come from several pieces of legislation passed in the last two years, mostly Private Members’ Bills which have passed with Government support and related secondary legislation. “
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