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25th January 2009



Arsenal V Chelsea - who'll win?  

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I used to think Tom should think up different titles for his blogs instead of the date, but after sitting here staring out of the window as I try to dream up a title, I'm afraid I'm going to do the same. Well, Tom is doing OK after the chemotherapy. Obviously he is not as bouncy as he was the 1st time he had chemo, as his body has had quite a battering with the previous chemotherapy and especially the radiotherapy. He is eating better, but is tired and a little breathless. Apart from that, none of the other nasty side effects have affected him to date. He was very tired yesterday and had a sleep whilst I went about my daily routine and then I took Skipper to Langness. It was quite a nice day, but very nippy. Walking along the Douglas side, there wasn't much in the way of birdlife. I think they were all sheltering lower down in the wetland area. There was the occassional cormorant flying along the coast or sitting on rocks drying their wings. Looking back inland, Snaefell stood out with a dusting of snow on her peak. It was a very clear day, the sun was very bright, and the grass blowing in the breeze also shone with the bright sun on it. I walked across to the castletown side when I reached Jeremy Clarksons fence. I don't think I've every seen the path on west side of Langness so muddy. I decided I probably wouldn't use that path again until things dried out a bit.

Today Tom decided he would come for a ride in the camper when I took Skipper out, so that he was getting out of the house, even if he wasn't walking further than the camper. It was much windier today and I decided maybe I'd just go to Fort Island. Tom doubted we'd get over the causeway as the sea was quite wild. I decided that we'd go to Langness instead. I try to walk Skipper away from people and their dogs as I just never know how he is going to react. Its just easier that way and I don't get stressed. I decided the easiest way to go when we arrived at Langness, was the west side path as there was no-one in sight on that side. What a short memory I have! I negotiated the mud and water up to the fence. Apart from the difficult walking conditions, the view was something else. The sea was wild and blue, with wave after wave coming in. I wished I had my camera so I could take a picture to put on the blog. Anyway, Skipper and I walked the road way back and we almost got all the way back to the camper and Tom without meeting anyone, when just at the beginning of the road, a couple stood waiting for their King Charles spaniel. I decided to walk across to the muddy path with Skipper on the lead so as to avoid a confrontation. It almost worked except the spaniel decided it wasn't going to move, so I attempted to walk past whilst telling Skipper"No" as he eyed the little dog. Then he started barking. "Sit Skipper" I commanded trying to get some control. He sat, but looked at the spaniel like he does the hens when he seems to be waiting for the next command. I decided to walk on as we where almost at the carpark. The little dog also decided it was a good time to catch his owners up. Skipper pulled as he barked and I held on and shouted "no". In an instant I found myself looking at the sky, still hanging onto Skipper, but oh, I was covered in mud and so embarrassed at finding myself in a prone position in front of the couple. It required a complete change of clothes when I returned home and luckily having a camper meant that I had covers to save the seat. I definitely won't be forgetting the mud at Langness for a while and will make do with the park for this evenings walk. It was nice to return home from the walk and find Toms mum and brother waiting for us. She had baked us a bonnag and an apple sponge. She is 81 and still bakes lovely cakes and scones. Even my mum still talks about the lovely 'melt in the mouth' scones she had from her when she was over visiting last year.

Orry the parrot is barking his head off as I am writing this, in between whistling "The Entertainer". Tom is ready for a cuppa, so I'd better go now.

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