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About MilitantDogOwner

  • Birthday 09/20/1979

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  1. Well we've had the "oh so subtle" racial stereotype cars in the second film.....and token "fembot" transformers in the 3rd instalment.
  2. Silent Hill: Revelations. Utter pap, although the first one wasn't much better. Just another crap video game to movie (although I can't think of any good game to movie conversions).
  3. Finally got round to watching Dredd in 3D. Good film, although I expected Dredd to be alot harsher than he was, considering this version is that much closer to the 2000AD comic version.
  4. Just got hold of Avatar on 3D BluRay...and although the film itself is a bit on the meh side, the 3D and the quality of the animation was mind blowing.
  5. Thats the one. Hayden "whiney bitch" Christian really got the whole whiney bitch role to a tee. There was another similar one set in Russia, which was equally pap. Alien energy beings or something.
  6. Saw this on XBox Live and liked the look of it, but the wife wanted to watch some shit with Hayden Christian is with killer shadows.
  7. Red State - Funny as hell...thought John Goodman was dead. X-Men: First Class.....absolute toilet
  8. I watched Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon the other day. Once I recovered from the coma it put me into, I was then distressed to find out the Michael "Big Bang Man" Bay is going to direct the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. Except they aren't Mutants this time....they're aliens. Yet another piece of my childhood raped by MB.
  9. Colombiana was such a lazy film, it hurt watch it.
  10. Tomorrow, When the War Began. Red Dawn, as written by someone who has watched too much Neighbours. And unfortnately, left so open ended that there will be a sequel this year. Worst. Film. Ever.
  11. The Reef. Bunch of Aussies sail a boat into the Great Barrier Reef, and shock horror the boat gets damaged on some coral and starts to sink. 4 of the 5 survivors decide to swim back to the island they had previouly visited, leaving behind the fella who "has fished these waters for years and knows what is swimming around out there". Cue an hour and a half of "what was that" and "I thought I saw something" as a Great White Shark decides to stalk the group as they swim to freedom. Obviously trying to be an update Jaws but failing to capture any of the suspence of the original Jaws movie. By the end I was routing for the shark.
  12. ....but once you have got all of those essentials, what then is The Man gonig to sell to you? All of the above and a new kitchen every five years, ''Oh blue is so last year, lets go for green this time!'' Matching his and hers bikes and for the kids, ''we'll all be so healthy'', now they languish some where in the garage with white mould growing on the tyres. A desktop, a laptop, why hell, a Vaio for him, just a 600 one for 'the wife' and a couple for the kids, you can sit in front of the TV, laptop on one knee, dinner , convenience of course, no time to cook, on the other and the smart phone blinking away on the arm of the sofa, oh no, smart phone has a green screen, so outré, better go in tomorrow and get a blue screen, trendy! Then of course, the netbook, the Ipad and whatever else they can come up with and gently persuade you to buy, ''Hey stupid, buy this..... 50 cookery books on the cupboard top, unread, no time to cook, no time to read, got to get to the TV and laptop. Just imagine, your nose, Mr Big Business' finger hooked into it, leading you towards his store. You have to follow of course. What else could you do? I take it your posting from your old faithful ZX-Spectrum? Don't want to be buying into the consurmer "mindset" and getting one of those faddy PC-thingys now do you....
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