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    My Farm Washington State USA
  • Interests
    "Being in the Present", People; Friends and Family, Animals, Nature, and way up on the list are my 3 Cockatoos and other pets too numerous to mention. Travel, trying to "take it all in"

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  1. Birdi

    The Revival

    Oh Dearest Barbara! Brilliant, just brilliant! This was the vision that I'd prayed for, every single word is nothing less than the story of a miracle! Your story... and it's still being written... it didn't end after all... now you have taken up the pen... Bless you my Dear Friend... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Era in Your Journey. Love ya, hugs XX Cher Hey it's blowing a hooley here in the Pacific North West !! High winds and flooding, pop on over for a visit!
  2. OY! Fab blog, Barbara! So glad it's all running in the proper direction now. Never fear a little pause on the way, we all have them, but you'll go forward from here, not in reverse ever again! Keeping in the spirit of Tom, you ARE painting again, with your words! I felt I was reading something from Tom's emails when he'd write me what your morning walks had been that day. Nice job, made my day! I'm sure you still have many readers out there anxious to know how things are going. You and Tom have shared so much not even knowing how many hearts you have touched. Bruce and I send Blessings, Hugs and Loads of Love from the Great Pacific North West, speak to you soon. XXX Cher
  3. Birdi

    I'm Back

    Good to see your post, Barbara! Sending my best wishes, prayers and loving friendship... Always, Cher XXX
  4. Aaahhhh, loved reading about your walks! I remember us hiding behind the fort from the wind and it blasting us the moment we stepped out! I can't wait to get back and do it again! XXX Cher
  5. A big thumbs up to ya! I know everyone had a great time at your buffy and very nice of you to do that, wish I'd been there! Tell them all hello for me. I know how proud Tom is of you, the buffet, playing your coronet... no question in my mind when I see the bird there on Tom's desk like that. Your entry had me going back to the Isle in my mind... very vivid images! Brilliant! Hugs and Love XXXX Cher Talk soon. PS Give Nell my best wishes, hope she's better and you have a wonderful trip to Dublin.
  6. Birdi

    Just Be

    Wow! Great entry Barbara I only disagree with one part; Tom was wise yes, but don't sell yourself short, you have wisdom as well... you just relied on Tom's at the time... now it's your time to use yours. Making mistakes doesn't mean we don't have wisdom. Mistakes are only practice attempts to do or learn something. Wisdom is knowing what it means. You have plenty of wisdom and it shows in your writings. Keep hiking upward on your walks! XX Cher
  7. Dear Barbara, you already know how I feel about this wonderful step of Faith that you have taken. Your blog is an inspiration to us who are Believers and perhaps an awakening to those who have not yet tested the waters. The Truth lies within all of us. It lies behind our thinking minds that clutter up our lives with all the chatter in our heads, this is just our human side showing. Deeper in the right side of our brains (from a scientific point of view) is the place where we all can find our Being, that eternal energy given to us from the Source of All, God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the seat of our souls, the place of perfect Peace, Joy and Enlightenment. We all have it and all we have to do to find it is silence the chatter (left brain) and allow ourselves to stop 'doing' and just 'be'. Our fears and emotions control us as humans but it doesn't have to be that way. The Spirit lives inside us all and is accessable at anytime. The more we comune with others, share our beliefs, use tools such as the Bible or other spiritual writings that point the way and allow God into our conscious thoughts, silence the doubts and worldy cares... the closer we are to a glimpse of what God intended for us in our lives. We all say what a miserable world this is... yes it can be...however that was not God's intention that we live in misery. Jesus came to tell us of Hope, Faith and Love and Eternal Life. He came to simplify the message as we humans all tend to muddle things up with our own egos, hence the constant fighting and bickering over 'religion'. If we all just stopped and realized our lives are forever intertwined with each other and the universe, we can all live in peace and harmony... how easy is that? Each time one of us becomes more aware, more enlightened, lives a more conscious existance, we spread the message, we change the energy field in our own lives and those lives we touch... and we touch more than we come face to face with, each of us touches the universe as we are all a part of The One. There will be a time coming when The Truth is known to all. What is the purpose of our lives? To bring this light of inner being, the light of peace and consciousness into the world we now inhabit. No matter what we 'do' with our lives, who we are, what labels we become... our deeper purpose is to bring God's Light into the World, the Universe, to one another. Each time someone steps forward publicly and shows their Light, more awareness awakens somewhere in the universe. We are created in God's image, perhaps not physically but we are all created with His Spirit, part of the Whole, the Source. Your witness to this has spread already further than any of us can ever know. This is your Purpose! You have done well to bring your experiences, trials and testimony to so many here on the blog and in your life. Tom has done the same and continues to do so even from the Other Side. Another scientific fact; Energy cannot be dissolved, it can change form but can never 'die'. We are all proven to be 'energy fields' in a scientific way, our bodies operate with an electical sort of energy. This natural state of 'Being' is God given, it's full of Peace and Joy. Let us all remember when we meet one another that we meet God in that person as well. Let us treat each other as such. The word that best says this is the word 'Nemaste' it means (paraphrased) "The God within me acknowledges the God within you". Barbara, thank you for sharing your Baptism with all of us. It's an outward sign of a deeper Life within. Yes, the Churches are still Alive as it is we the Children of God who keep them so and it is the Will of God that we reach out and bring others into the Light. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You, May He Make His Face to Shine Upon You and Grant You Peace. Nemaste. With love and friendship always, Cheryl
  8. What a lovely daydream to share with us Barbara. I could picture it in my mind, remember when we went by your old cottage and up that road, you telling me all about how happy you and Tom were there and how you'd walk up that way. It really took me there again. Pictures don't always show things the way we remember but your story was brilliant. I'm sure Tom was walking right along with you as well. XXX Love, Cher
  9. Only you Babs, only you!!! You are an Angel and the word is gettin' round! Ha ha! How cute is that, what I'd have given to see that little thing tucked under your arm! Good job with the young lad you are helping as well. Look how much you and Tom have meant to young Chris. We are so proud of you. Your purpose is just as it's always been, you are a bit of Heaven on Earth to the critters and people alike. XXX Luv ya, Birdi
  10. Hi Barbara, you and the kids look fab! It's great to see you and them looking so well. Loved the blog, you do a brilliant job, keep up the good work! Bruce says you need to teach Suzie to take a dip in the Silverburn just as you arrive home, bath problem solved... NOT! She's a love can't wait to see more of her. Give Skipper and Orry my love. Ta ta for now, XXXX Cher and Bruce
  11. Though you might enjoy a 'poke'!!!!!!!!!! Talk to you later, gator xx

  12. Dear Barbara, you know we all understand and do not expect those emails yet. I'm sure I speak for most all of us when I say that. We all get an update when you write on here, that's just fine. I'm especially happy to hear that Janet is coming back over, that your Mum has been for such a time as you have needed and that you have visions and plans for the future and are finding little joys in the birds and the dogs and walking. I know Tom is still with you and I believe that Secret Happness will only grow with time. There is a time for every season under Heaven, take the time you need to BE in any given moment for that is the very best any of us can do. Peace and Happiness only come in the present moment. Even whilst grieving those can still be present in one's 'inner Being'. You are grieving for Tom in the human form, in the daily business of living, so naturally you feel sadness. Under all of that lies our true 'Being' not of 'form' but of the 'formless' and there is where you find that Happiness and Tom and that Special Peace, those things are your's to keep as well. XXX Cher
  13. Well then Barbara, we think it's clear that Tom has now risen to the rank of Admiral of the fleet. I'll have to begin to address him as Admiral rather than Captain. Bruce being a former Navy man has now given the new Admiral a proper salute! How fitting, what a wonderful sign of Tom's continued presence. Brilliant job of writing, you had us with hearts in our throats by the last line as we so know and believe that Tom will never leave you. So glad Nel was ok, tell her I was asking after her and send her my best. Bless you, talk soon. XX Cheryl
  14. We pray and know that God will hold you all in His hands today and give you strength as you and the family and all who love Tom celebrate his life. We are with you XXXX Love, Cheryl and Bruce
  15. Oh yes and I have said photo for evidence, sweet in hand, cheeks stuffed like a squirrel and powdered sugar all down his jumper front... "No, I ain't nickin' sweets!" says Mr. Glassey. I'm sure I've sent that to you Barbara but if not, I will gladly. All others, it can be had for a very steep price, ha ha! NOT! Tom didn't need a sweet to make him the sweetest chap around but he sure did like them did he not? Babs, I could just see your day and your were right, I laughed and cried at the same time. XXX Cher P.S. Yes, that was always my thought when I'd get my daily email off Tom, he rarely put anything else in the subject line but; 'just me'. Each and every time I'd see that my thought would immediately be; 'there is nothing 'just me' about you Tom!' I often would return my mail back to him and do the same, write 'just me' and try to see how he felt when he wrote that. It never fit, there never was 'just' a Tom Glassey. We all say Rest in Peace, Tom is at peace as he has told us so, but REST? Oh no, I'm quite sure he's busy and up to something already up there! The angels will be dropping from the clouds with laughter very soon!
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