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    Citizen Caned

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  1. Watched 'The Mist' a couple of nights ago, which despite sounding very much like a crappy B movie, is actually a seriously good film - directed by the dude who did Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. The CGI could be better (it was made for fuck all money) - but the strength of the story and the characters mean it really doesn't matter. Won't do any spoilers as such but I'll play safe anyway - don't go expecting any nice Hollywood endings, as Mrs House said, it feels like being punched in the stomach. http://www.reelviews.net/movies/m/mist.html
  2. 'The Mist' is tonight's entry - I really don't want to do any spoilers, so I'll simply recommend that folks seek out this unusually good film for themselves. http://www.reelviews.net/movies/m/mist.html
  3. Watched Shoot 'Em Up last night, which is about the most mental film I've ever seen. Part of me was thinking 'I really shouldn't be enjoying this' but I couldn't help myself, Mrs House nearly pissed herself laughing at the shooting+shagging sequence. There is kind of a point in there too, although I'm not entirely sure what it is yet.
  4. That must have been a figment of your imagination, as he doesn't exist any more. (I'd have waved back but I was carrying four bags of shopping at the time, I hope my animated nod of the head did the trick.)
  5. Saw The Brave One a couple of nights ago, it's sort of like Death Wish except Jodie Foster is Charles Bronson and she's a bit more upset with herself for becoming a killer, except she isn't that appalled to like, stop killing people. Very good, if a bit on the brutal side in places, and somewhat morally ambiguous.
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