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Everything posted by feelslikeitshould

  1. Aye, cept she's ginger....only joking mate, nothing wrong with a ginge and you might want to* more than one letter out of a name like that! Bit easy to guess! lol! Mission, I'm back until the end of September and then every couple of weekends after that, weether (wtf is weether!? I meant weather obv.) and boat permitting, I haven't missed that fortnightly rollercoaster I can tell thee!! I'm very intrigued by the 'something different' prospect, I tried something different once and ended up in my best clothes in Mormon Church for 3 hours, but that's another story!
  2. Mate, it was definately you, I'd know those dance moves anywhere. Maybe she didn't look ginger under the lovely black lights they have in there but I know (of) her and she is as ginger as...a. ginger. thing(?) Lol! Luckily for your bro, he doesn't really look like you! I'd apologise to him now if I were you! I can't remember when it was now, hmmm, in the last 3 months anyway! p.s. Kitty, not big boobs.
  3. lol! I never see anyone, except you Mish...and Mupster a few times (once in shitelife all over a ginger bird. Plain wrong). I probably walk past most of the Northern forum members daily, maybe I should start calling out random names to see if any of you turn around. Although if you're anything like me, you'll keep walking in denial! p.s. Neighbours is ace.
  4. You're so rude! Dude, that's you 666 post......Ooooh!! I wonder if anything eerie will happen to you now??? Like a sheet of glass decapitates you. Or something like that.
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