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Posts posted by John

  1. Cheeky Boy down Peel breakwater on his bike


    Oh yeah, spotted Cheeky boy last weekend impressively vaulting gates on the old railway line. Spotted John Faragher on his bike on the prom on Saturday chatting to the ladies. Spotted Doahdoo videoing Ans coaching people in the NSC with Knoxville there too!


    /stalker :)



    Was Sunday..lol

  2. However on my recent visits to the Palace cinema lately I have been surprised at the low number of people watching films.


    That is more due to the numbskulls who run the place - as an example, Watchmen, a highly anticipated film which topped the box-office charts around the world after its release was given ONE screening at the Palace. This screening sold out without being advertised. The Palace have no plans to show the film again.


    Plus the place is a grotty, smelly pit run by pensioners and staffed by surly rejects from Marilyn Manson's band.


    Watchmen has been on already?! Oh **** :(


    Hurry up and build THE WAVE!



    am so gutted I missed it as well.. I rang up and asked them when it was on, they told me it was not going to be...

  3. I'm all for having a project like this in the Isle of Man. If it's private money as well, then who is complaining.


    My reservations are, that for a long time I've heard people say build a multi-plex , bowling alley, etc like they have in England. Yet will that work in the Isalnd. I don't know. Sometimes though I do get the feeling that there's a mentality among the locals that just because there are facilities like this across the water then we should have them over here. If we can fill them and someone makes a profit then tally-ho away we go.


    However on my recent visits to the Palace cinema lately I have been surprised at the low number of people watching films. Are there enough people out there who would support something like 'The Wave'. And I mean in the long-term, when the euphoria dies down and the novelty wears off, not the short-term


    Yup - a market of 80,000 people with little other choice. I think some people stop frequenting places such as The Palace Cinema, because the facilities just aren't up to scratch.


    Agreed, I love going to the Cinema but I never go over here because it's grotty, too hot, too small, smelly and generally shit.


    You thought the Palace was bad... what did you think off the old Summerland one...lol

  4. I just really want to see this go through and will give it my full support in Council. Its a great idea and as a parent, the facility will be a godsend.


    Just the sort of nonsense you'd expect from a town councillor who cannot see through this little charade. It is never ever going to happen - you'd have to be stark staring bonkers to even consider this £30m project which cannot possibly make money or provide a return on investment at any point in the next 20 years.


    Its a typical Sefton Group development - get plot, stick sign up saying whats going to go there, get planning, sell plot or sell project on. No brick will ever get laid on this site so stop fooling yourselves.



    Just the sort of response you expect from a cynical forum poster, who is an expert on all subjects.

  5. I really hope it is, as it does look really good.


    Just what the IOM and Douglas needs.



    "Looks really good' in what way?



    It has all the facilities I would like to see, the design its modern and incorporates alternative energy sources, the bigest thing is it looks 1,000,000 times better than whats there now !!



  6. The issue often has to do with planning and non government co-oporation etc, things do go on behind the schenes that we dont know about and so all the blame is not really to rest on Seftons shoulders, I asked a number of similiar questions and the replys I got where honest and understandable.


    I just really want to see this go through and will give it my full support in Council. Its a great idea and as a parent, the facility will be a godsend.

  7. I'm pretty sure the Sefton group does not own Paramount city.


    This thread is just what I've come to expect from my fellow Manx, moaning, whining, don't like change, set in their ways, never wanting to see any progress. Why do you have to jump on any new idea straight away and start with negatives ?


    Just for once it would be great to see some positivity about new ideas from the Manx public instead of the doom and gloom, that will be shit, it'll never get built quotes we always get.


    At last the government is actually looking to do something to move this place forward, perhaps if we supported it they might look at some of the other ideas the public has been lobbying for. Sometimes I have sympathy for the government (only sometimes!) when they suggest something that might actually make the Island a better place to live and visit and the first voices to shout are always the same ones trying to oppose it.



    Here here, instead of moaning, lets get behind them and say, good on you for at least trying to make something good and better, sefton are keen to improve Douglas and thus the IOM, we all do not know the full facts behind why projects have been shelved, land bought and not developed. From what was explained to me last week, it is all for good reasons.


    ps they do own Paramount and the plan is to look at the site after completion of the Wave apparantly, as I asked the same question at the Council presentation

  8. Spotted a very unfit looking Knoxville at the NSC as well as a dapper looking John Faragher who seemed to be wandering around aimlessly upstairs while I assume he was waiting for someone. Also, I spotted Slim leering sinisterly.


    Yeah interesting four way MF spot that, I think Ans was the only one who knew everyone. I was stood next to JF trying to work out who Knoxville was while simultaneously trying to get the attention of my mate from Pokerstars and avoid looking at Ans' compression tights.


    In other MF spotting news, got blanked by Titanic, Rhumsaa AND Mongoose on the same day this week, that has to be record? :)



    you never said hello !! again..lol do I scare you..hehe


    arr Knoxville was the 5ive look alike sweating a lot whilst getting battered by the little kids in black tops at basketball.. or was that Ans..hehe



  9. Spotted a very unfit looking Knoxville at the NSC as well as a dapper looking John Faragher who seemed to be wandering around aimlessly upstairs while I assume he was waiting for someone. Also, I spotted Slim leering sinisterly.



    arr waiting for my Daughter to finish swimming !!!


    Dapper... well thankyou..lol

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