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Posts posted by yootalkin2me

  1. 34 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

    Make the tea? Iron my shirts?

    Nope, you'll have to do that yourself or hire in the help but there are many things coming your way good and bad...if you want out, generate your own leccy.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

    Yes, you can hook it up to the 5G masts on your lamppost outside your house as well as your smartphone, your smart TV, your smart kettle and even your smart toilet so they how many times your having a shit. Privacy?

    Well if you want to be in the Tufty club you have to play by Tufty's rules otherwise start your own club.

  3. 10 hours ago, woolley said:

    So you got the wrong person. For all she knew you might have got the wrong station. What do you do then if you are her? You either ignore it, or you reply saying thank you very much. She could have ignored it but then you might have thought she was a miserable cow. I think what she did was reasonable. A quick thank you and move on.

    They probably think they are dealing with idiots half the time anyway and you are not doing anything to disabuse that notion.

    Disabuse????Hardly the correct word.

  4. 8 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

    On the basis that Jo Pack until recently presented an early Saturday show on Manx, she naturally assumed you listened to her show and thanked you for the kind comment. How you can twist your own ineptitude into an attack on her is beyond belief.

    Is Emma Thompson still married to darling Kenny Branagh, or is the radio gig to supplement the acting lark 'between jobs'?

    Fair enough Stu, but I did state Energy Fam, that's how 8 started the message...."I listen to your show on Energy FM on a Saturday morning.....

    • Thanks 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

    Do you sing babe ?

    BTW, I don't know who your avatar is , but that is most definitely the sort of face that needs a fucking good kicking. No offence like 

    Its Charlie Sheen you halfwit 

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

    But she was not the person you wanted to kiss ass to.

    She replied to your text out of good manners. she should have told you where to go, but she is far too professional.

    You're a fucking idiot ...I didn't kiss ass at all, Emma Thompson is a very good DJ, she plays music I'm into and has me in stitches...so I thought I'd let her know that I like what she does, fuck all wrong with that. The mistake I made was to send that message to the wrong person, who after reading it and responding to it took the plaudits, her mistake.

    • Haha 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

    So your mistake, not hers.

    I very much doubt that Jo Pack needs your appraisal. She is very accomplished and a very confident woman.

    See my response to Woolly, the mistake largely on her part.

    I'm not saying I necessarily dislike her (I'm indifferent), I'm just saying that I don't particularly like her style of interview and therefore in my opinion rubbish.

  8. 18 minutes ago, woolley said:

    I imagine she gets such a volume of positive feedback that she hasn't the time to read it all, and now just responds to every communication with a thank you.

    Actually, she said thank very much for the kind comments and that they were very welcome after the terrible day she had.

  9. 1 hour ago, Maxmann said:

    Anything which keeps Jo Pack off the air is fine by me

    I listen to Energy FM.in the morning and anyhow I sent a message of gratitude via faceache to whom I thought was the presenter Jo Pack...the message was that I thought she did an ace job on a Saturday morning on Energy FM...the recipient of my message Jo Pack, she responded with a thank you....the correct presenter is Emma Thompson.....seems Jo Pack will happily take the plaudits of another person. Personally, she's not my cup of tea.

    Btw for what it's worth I think Jodie Kidd is ribbish at presenting and fuck knows how she made it as a model. 

  10. What would be better would be a Travelodge built on top of a multi storey (at least three storey) car park. This will cater for the parking spaces lost to the building, parking spaces required for guests, parking spaces lost on Loch Promenade and parking spaces allegedly required at the moment.

    • Like 2
  11. Rog, IoM Government is massively reducing it's lease agrrements and moving staff to Government owned properties therefore I very much doubt it'll be leasing any part of the development, ergo you are way off the mark.

  12. With the inevitable work place pensions, rates, taxes, I'm fairly certain that there'll be numerous small businesses clamouring to pay more money into the coffers to be then spunked on some bullshit idea.....just ripe for big corporations to expand into areas left vacant by destroyed small/artisan entities.

    What an absolute whopper.

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