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About littleh

  • Birthday 12/21/1978

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  1. Just seen UP which is the new Pixar film and it was brilliant. Kids will love it but adults will definitely as well. Some proper laugh out loud moments
  2. I have to admit that I was skeptical about internet dating websites but after giving it a go I met my current boyfriend and we've been together for 3 years. Hopefully within the next six months he's going to move to the island and we'll see how it goes from there I can understand how anyone would be a little afraid to venture into this particular way of dating. Yes there are weirdo's and those people that lie about their circumstances but that could be the same if you met someone in a pub. However, for every weirdo/liar, there are loads of people just looking for someone similar to them for good conversation and the chance to see a future. My bf and I started emailing firstly, then used MSN on a regular basis (talking up to 5/6 hours a day), snail mail because sometimes getting a letter is just nice, then talking on the phone and then the best introduction was webcams. At least when that happened I knew the pictures he had sent me weren't doctored LOL. Anyway, he doesn't live on the island but that to me was great to start off with. He came to the island first and stayed in a hotel. When I first met him there were about 5 people who knew where I was and at what time, plus I had a number of check up calls Seems silly now but you still have to be careful. Anyway, I guess the rest is history! We took things slow, talked a hell of a lot and I'm a very happy girl What were my reasons for doing it? Well... most of my friends are married/engaged/have children so therefore getting out at the weekend to the pubs on the island was not something I could do without back up. Those that I did meet on the odd occasion were usually absolutely wrecked and spat on me whilst trying to tell me "I had the most beautiful eyes they had ever seen". Unfortunately my job does not give me the opportunity to be involved in other social groups so I just wasn't getting anywhere. My bf is 7 years older than me. His reasons for joining... About a year before he'd just come out of a 6 year relationship, confidence wasn't all it should be and his friends were all married/engaged/had children. So the opportunity to go out wasn't there and one of his friends suggested online dating. I don't think dating websites should be dismissed so easily. I think they are a fantastic extension to the dating world. My only suggestion would be to not expect results straight away, be picky and be honest
  3. Mamma Mia... 2 hours of my life I will never get back... Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince... LOVED IT! I've read the books too so knew what to expect as it is literally just a filler for the Deathly Hallows. But not since the first couple of films have I really laughed out loud
  4. Just John doing a macho hitting the big thingywhatsit so that the bell rings at the top during Peel day
  5. Decided to watch the Wrestler at the weekend (well it was my friends pick and I thought what the hell!) Mickey Rourke was fantastic but I honestly felt like slitting my wrists after it because it was incredibly depressing... Glad we had my pick to watch which was Don't mess with the Zohan. Stupid but I found its childish humour very amusing
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