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- Paul -

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Everything posted by - Paul -

  1. heard you on the wireless back in 52

  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11401167 Montana woman fights bear using courgette
  3. Snail sat-nav triumphs in contest http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11306681
  4. welcomes the gigantic metal spider in the bay. All hail the steel insect!

  5. Thanks Zulu - obviously not the same place I recall. I wonder where it was. Wish I could remember.
  6. Did the swimming pool shown in the pics on killey net have glass walls around it or were they stone? Reason I ask is that I have vague childhood memories of a pool with glass wall surrounds.
  7. Wanted Angelina Jolie driving cars fast Angelina Jolie with guns Angelina Jolie hitting people Oooh and exploding Rats A bit of a strange film
  8. The Day The Earth Stood Still. The 2008 remake with Keanu. The original being one of the old classic sci fi films. Not bad at all for an updated version.
  9. is cursing the rain god

  10. I wish you'd stand as an MHK
  11. is giving himself a day off - because he can

  12. Ain't Talkin' 'bout Dub

  13. has seen the evil google car with the magic eye that steals your soul

  14. dreamt he saw the knights In armor coming, Saying something about a queen. There were peasants singing and Drummers drumming And the archer split the tree.

  15. On BBC North West Tonight just now. An article on a one hundred year old lady who knits jumpers for penguins. There is hope for us all.
  16. has seen no manx cats or grey mullet so far today

  17. has seen 4 manx cats and two grey mullet today

  18. did actually wear a hat for a short while during the rain

  19. is unlikely to be wearing a hat despite the rain

  20. is listening to the beautiful singing of Máire Ní Bhraonáin

  21. is yet again listening to Máire Ní Bhraonáin

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