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  1. majkul

    Firm closing

    From the photos on the telly/monitor they have set up in one of the windows, it looks like the same concept as Rio was. Hopefully, won't be as expensive, to give people a chance to return, as well as their business to thrive and be successful. My guess is they're setting up in time for TT.
  2. Two season tickets (for all my sins). Also a football fan in general, so yeah, I can be envious of better teams, of which there are many at the moment, even though they're not a patch on the United teams of those halcyon days.
  3. Even as a United fan, I have to agree with Teapot. L'pool are in much a better place than United (and MUCH better than what Sir Alex left United in 2013 - BeeJeezus, have we been mostly shite for 11 years already???). Do I laugh at their "demise" in the past few months? Of course I do, the whole world laughs at us near enough every week, it's part of football rivalry. But I do look at them with a bit of envy of where they are in general, and where Klopp is leaving them. As much as it pains me, and as much as I hope I'm wrong, I think they're set up to win the league title again before us.
  4. Here's my main gripe about the guys in charge crying a river to try an make ends meet. They keep raising prices, endlessly (kinda reasonably as well, when you see how EVERYTHING has gone up in price, be it rates, energy, ingredients and all that)... yet... YET... the very last thing they put up, is the staff wages, as if *their* bills haven't gone up. Go figure.
  5. When Klopp announced he's leaving, I braced myself, as I honestly thought L'pool would go on and win everything, players running through walls and all that for such a great manager. Unfortunately for them, for some reason or other, it looks like it's gone completely the other way.
  6. I think it is every 3 years, retook mine last year, doesn't come cheap for my boss (something like £95 a pop). Good thing about it nowadays, is the course is done in just a day (plus the online part as well), and you don't have to keep returning to the licensing court every time.
  7. I usually only pop into shops to grab what we "need", that can fit in my backpack (my wife usually does the "big" shop). My only gripe with the Victoria Road Tesco, is that there are only two "cash payment" self-service checkouts, and people use them with massive baskets of shopping, so I still end up waiting a bit.
  8. It doesn't help that the Co-op's procedure is to let shoplifters walk out unchallenged for fear of harm to the staff if they try to stop it.
  9. Far to many restaurants/coffee shops/eateries on the island, for the amount of people. Moved here in 1992, something like 75/80,000 residents, about 20, 30 eateries (just a guess), and coffee shops were unheard of. Fast forward 32 years. Similar amount of residents, but hundreds of restaurants/coffee shops/eateries. The infrastructure to support so many places is not there. Places will continue struggling with ever-rising prices (supplies, ingredients, rents, rates, electricity, gas ALL going up a lot lately), while people cut down on going out, because their bills have risen too. Double edged sword. Unfortunately, more places will shut down, one part of many things throwing the island backwards.
  10. Oh well, those peaceful two weeks after the FA Cup quarter-finals were bliss.
  11. majkul

    Firm closing

    Unfortunately, another menu with quite a few spelling mistakes (the one that the link takes you to, not the picture posted). I wish them very well, as I'm sure the chops on the starters are not Lame (to mention just one).
  12. Nope. As blatant as the corruption and stealing is becoming on this beautiful island, the Manx are amateurs compared to the Maltese... https://timesofmalta.com/article/internal-bank-review-raised-red-flags-abela-accounts.1088620
  13. You have no idea how much I respect all my four kids, a respect that is very well reciprocated. Maybe that is what you need to do, respect those around you, instead of straining so much to force your beliefs down everybody's throats. As adults, myself and my kids have very good conversations, listening to each others' opinions, while we mostly laugh a lot, knowing that we all love each other. That is what life is all about, Ricardo, because no matter who or what we believe, we are only here for a short time, so what's important is to enjoy ourselves and our family and friends.
  14. What I find "amusing", is that a person doesn't just believe ONE conspiracy, they believe ALL of them (I know, one of my kids is of the same ilk, and I also work with two of them as well), be it vaccinations, moon landing, chem trails, flat earth, and whatever more. I wonder which from JFK's murder they go with (I believe it was La Cosa Nostra). For some reason, most of them also like Trump. My kid says we are "sheeple", because we believe everything we're told. I just tell him, that by his own argument, the conspiracy theorists are also "sheeple" for believing whatever *they* are told.
  15. I could be wrong, as I don't really pay much attention while I'm "listening" to the radio, but they could be doing an "in-depth" programme with reactions on Friday, at noon.
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