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Sparkly things make me smile

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Everything posted by Sparkly things make me smile

  1. I saw Mupster in the Outback last night aswell
  2. Was the kitty in Guys and Dolls last night? Was going to say hi but i didn't want to interupt
  3. I saw you in Strand, was going to say hi but then i realised you dont actually know me
  4. Spotted The Kitty, Tearz and Unisol on saturday
  5. I saw that! Didn't see much pushing of the car though you were all just stood talking
  6. Nobody would know me if they passed me in the street *Muhaha*
  7. I saw Casino Crazy again in town today. *haha* it's sounds like I'm following him
  8. Yes do that! I'll probably start looking around in a confused state saying "thats my name!" so you'll definetly know its me lol
  9. Nope I wasn't there. But if you see her with a girl wearing black with a confused look on her face then you'll know its me
  10. I might have spotted you but don't know what you look like. I would be the one wearing black with a slightly confused look on my face
  11. Casino Crazy (apparently) walking down Strand Steet and then later going into the arcade.
  12. You do - you just don't know it... Hmm..Probably. I do know a couple of people but they are friends and people would shout at me if I always said I'd seen them . We probably walk past / talk to each other day but don't know it
  13. Don't worry I don't know alot of people on here either
  14. Yep would have been her along with me and xpinksequinsx stood next to her
  15. I know its been said before but we should have a badge or a special walk so we recognise each other
  16. Today I saw; girl89, unisol, tearz..oh and Renee Zellwegger in HMV
  17. Girl89 following me around the 6th form block
  18. I dont think i no anyone apart from girl89 and mupster, feeling slighlty unpopular
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