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Albert Tatlock

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Posts posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. 13 hours ago, Gladys said:

    For context, that's about the weight of an AA battery, spread over 12 sausages. 

    A 12th of an AA battery is difficult to imagine in a single sausage.

    So I would use a more recognisable comparison scale.

    The average smallish fart is around 30mg so that's around 60 small farts per sausage.

    ...or around 4 super-dooper farts (those bordering on follow-through) per single sausage.


  2. 8 minutes ago, Thomas Dalby said:

    Or even better, you could write down how you would govern the Isle of Man in a manifesto, give up the internet alias and see how many people vote for it. Scary thought isn’t it?

    Doesn't matter even if 100% vote for such a manifesto...the Chief Minister and his selected band for Comin always gets in.

    Not one manifesto has actually been implemented in at least 30 years.

    Shameful really, particularly, for example, on the affordable housing issue 90% of all candidates put as a 'top priority' in the last election. 

    Little wonder most people have given up voting here.


    • Like 3
  3. Isn't there already a glaring, say 73% 'None of the above' with such as a 27% turnout?

    So you're essentially dealing with the same question...should the 73% actually mean something in a democracy?

    Should for example a 51% or greater vote turnout count, and a 49% turnout means the vote is deemed 'none of the above'.

    Worst case, the current system could technically get you voted in with 1 vote - from yourself or no votes given too few candidates (totally undemocratic).

    Would a 'none of the above' option actually increase turnout by very much in reality?



  4. 6 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

    This is entertaining. Emerald Distributors Ltd lists 2 employees: Hawkins, Steve (secretary) and Hawkins, Steven (director).

    Is that legal?

    That's the multiverse for you.

  5. 4 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

    I saw a Steven Hawkins on Companies House was Disqualified but I assume it's a different one. Was just looking why he might not be a director himself.

    You can't get photons out of a black hole, never mind any money 😀

    • Haha 3
  6. 1 minute ago, Cinderella said:

    Maybe I should rename it: compulsory attendance. You can choose not to vote. You just can’t be lazy. 

    If you could only vote for Hitler or Stalin...what good is turning up?

    You're trying trying to legitimise real votes that no one wants.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Cinderella said:

    It’s long overdue for a serious discussion about compulsory voting - especially if this referendum happens. People can still opt to spoil their vote (that is their right), they just can’t be lazy sods and not bother voting. It works. 

    Disagree. No vote should be compulsory. If you have 2 choices and a majority opt for neither, how is that a 'vote' at all?

    That's something fundamentally wrong with the voting options available. 

    My way v the highway v what?

    Maybe we should consider votes with less than 30% turnout...null and void?

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Thomas Dalby said:

    How on earth do you get to this? It’s a Private Member’s Bill and he’s against it

    That's precisely why I think anyone for this needs to get off their arse and not take the outcome for granted.

  9. 20 minutes ago, WTF said:

    with all the local coffin dodgers hanging on for that extra breath there won't be the votes to help the ones that want to go along.

    The religious bunch will no doubt be out in force and organised that day.

    With a likely turnout of only around 20 to 25%, sad thing is they'll likely win the day.

    People wanting this legislation to be enacted need to get off their arse and not assume that the actual vote in a referendum will be anything like the actual surveys/polls. Like Brexit.

    Complacency breeds fools.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, 2112 said:

    I see CM Cannan is advocating an island wide referendum on this topic. 

    A cop out. I'd rather an island referendum on him.

    i.e. an election.

    He's running the island into the ground.

    • Like 3
  11. 10 minutes ago, Omobono said:

    ...the reputation  for this Island as a  sound and   good   place to do business  is on the slippery slope   especially trying to drag government   departments into it with alleged fake  government letters of support ,

    Yeah, not like IOM Government have ever written idiot cheques before.



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    • Haha 2
  12. 1 minute ago, La Colombe said:

    Crikey, how can someone who has been entering several classes every year for getting on for forty years apparently know so little about the marking system? Amazing. 

    Perhaps he just sits there, winding people up about any and all topics he seems to post in?


    • Haha 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Anthony Ingham said:

    There haven’t been covenants on ex H&B pubs for a few years have there?

    There certainly isn’t one on The Stanley

    Let's hope not. Covenants need to die, along with the rip off brewery.

    • Like 2
  14. 15 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

    Similarly, I went for a  pub lunch in the north of the Island. The normally roaring fire stove was not operating ( it was blooming cold) and the usually generous portion of chips was a bit mingey . (But the steak and ale pie was ace as normal, if  now quite pricey)

    Quite a few places being stingy with the heating these days. Eating with your coat on and paying top dollar is not a meal out...and is to be avoided.

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