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Everything posted by thesultanofsheight

  1. Gerrymandering is when an electoral boundary or national border is drawn so as to secure and maintain a political and electoral majority for one particular faction or interest group - normally based on ethnicity, social class, religion etc .. I do have google ... So in what sense is it gerrymandering ? And is what sense are you holding yourself up as Mr Pedantic tonight? I am not being pedantic. I am asking a straight question. I am trying to understand what you mean by gerrymandering in this context. If you read further into the Wiki article you consulted (you only cut and paste the first para in your post). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering It goes on to say that one of the aims of gerrymandering is to maximize the effect of supporters' votes and to minimize the effect of opponents' votes - ie, in this situation to gain votes or support for the SPC as contrasted to votes or support for Tesco's. That, my friend, points out the fact that you are being pedantic based on limited information. I spelt it wrong as well. Would you like to pick me up on that too.
  2. Gerrymandering is when an electoral boundary or national border is drawn so as to secure and maintain a political and electoral majority for one particular faction or interest group - normally based on ethnicity, social class, religion etc .. I do have google ... So in what sense is it gerrymandering ? And is what sense are you holding yourself up as Mr Pedantic tonight?
  3. Gerrymandering is when an electoral boundary or national border is drawn so as to secure and maintain a political and electoral majority for one particular faction or interest group - normally based on ethnicity, social class, religion etc .. I do have google ...
  4. where does it say that was produced by SPCo ? read the footer Oh come on. It may have the union's name on it looks like its pure political jerrymandering by Woodward and Co. Nobody else would be daft enough to try this approach. It smacks of arrogance to blame one of your customers for not using you. Perhaps Shoprite staff should stand outside Tesco's next week handing out leaflets that accuse Tesco's of putting Shoprite workers out of work by simply existing?
  5. This is childishness in the extreme and the SPC should be ashamed of themselves. I don't like Tesco's at all but actually this could make me shop there as a protest. They refused to pay the high fares the SPC took them for, boo hoo ... apparently its not the Manx way. No, we're supposed to accept that we are being ripped off particularly when the government write an agreement conferring the right of someone else to rip us off.
  6. Exactly and you won't get the sympathy vote just by pretending that you're some poor old duffer caught up in an international conspiracy. The sums involved are huge and even a junior bank clerk knows the drill these days, let alone a self advertised financial 'expert' running a 'successful' licensed fiduciary business.
  7. He was in Anagh Coar about two hours ago blasting down the pavement to Groves Road (I assume having played at Pulrose). I thought it very odd too - golf clubs still strapped on the back! Maybe he's a geriatric joyrider?
  8. As I said - not the place your likely to try advertising. Have you read an article on viral marketing and clumsily decided to give it a go?
  9. Not the place your likely to try advertising.
  10. They would have been better asking: 1) Do you drive into Douglas? 2) Do you think there is any other way of accessing central Douglas other than using a main road (helicopter, jetski etc)? 3) Have you ever wondered what that stupid red and white plastic island outside the QB actually does? 3) Do you feel exposed to risk when negotiating an ill thought out and poorly implemented series of junctions? 4) Have you ever wanted to punch somebody who cannot grasp the concept of giving way to the right? 5) Do you believe the department will fuck up this junction just all the others its done recently? 6) Do you believe the department is capable of using any degree of skill to implement a traffic flow system? 7) Do you think the department are stark staring mental to consider spending £4m on a new junction?
  11. A genius indeed. That road now has a temporary 20mph limit virtually all the way down to Onchan precinct just ready for the increased traffic load that was being booted along it!
  12. And what will they do? It seems to me the DOT has only one brief, and that is to slowly bring this Island to a standstill. The fact that a £4m plan to rebuild a roundabout has even been submitted as a serious idea says it all - I think most people in positions of responsibility would have gone "f**k that" and put the plans in the bin but not the DOT with its brief to waste as much taxpayers cash on expensive and totally useless projects as it can. As for the guy at the top on the basis of recent events he's clearly untouchable so what is your MHK going to do? He's too busy answering letters about dog sh*t and scratching his arse with a pencil.
  13. Jesus christ can we just leave it alone? £4m to build a bloody roundabout. How in christs name do they come up with these overpriced ludicrous ideas?
  14. I liked the Theatre Royal and the two nutty old ladies that ran it before it got dropped - it was like drinking in a railway carriage.
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