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Posts posted by ubbiali

  1. 2 hours ago, Weliveinhope said:

    Does the Governor hold any power over government? If there is such a thing as a vote of no confidence it would be pointless being put forward via the MHK route. This is another area where our 'government of unity' seeks purely to protect itself. Is there any recourse at all or are we stuck like this until the next election?

    To the next election and way beyond until we rid ourselves of the ministerial system, the council of ministers and the cabinet office

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  2. On 6/21/2023 at 4:57 PM, Omobono said:

    would someone please tell me what town or village of 80;000 odd people  in the UK  self sufficient in energy ,?      we have become delusional l ,      we need a mix  of generation  with the ability to import from the UK  especially  from the wind generated  electricity in the Irish sea , take a lesson from jersey    !  and stop thinking we are world leaders in tackling global warming  ,were already a back water lets not become  a barren  and empty land and financially  bankrupt , because without some common  sense  thats the way we are heading , 

    but, but we are world leaders in almost everything.

    Never forget how well to the fore we are in the space race.

    • Haha 2
  3. 13 hours ago, 2bees said:

    It’s a great thing for the Isle of Man, if we don’t tap into it someone else will. I’m 100% into reducing consumption and encouraging the use of cleaner energies but there is still a long way to go before we can stop using fossil fuels. Good luck to them, better the devil you know an all that :)

    Nail absolutely on the head.

    There is a long, long way to go to meet targets which are way too optimistic

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  4. 1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

    Not strictly related to the Vacuous Plan (but neither are wallabies) but IOM Newspapers reported a rather telling incident in Tynwald this week:

    Cannan's bid to cut the number of questions MHKs can ask is thwarted by his colleagues

    The chief minister's bid to limit the number of questions politicians can ask in the House of Keys and Tynwald was voted down by his colleagues,

    At this week's Tynwald sitting, Alfred Cannan put forward an amendment, moving that a member may table a maximum of four questions for oral answer for any sitting.

    He said this should help members ‘consolidate their thoughts’ and ‘provide much greater direction for the house’, and would ‘arguably provide better value to the taxpayers’.

    It would lead to a better quality of questions being delivered to government,’ Mr Cannan said.

    ‘It would ensure that those backbenchers with arguably important questions are not drowned out by multiple questions being put on that order paper.’

    The amendment was however, voted against, with three for and 20 against in the Keys, and two for in the Legislative Council and seven against.

    The interesting thing is that he lost so badly.  Clearly he can't just demand whatever he wants of the top of his head and expect obedience from many people.  Like his statement on Ranson, it shows just how bad he is at reading the room.

    Are we to infer from this that Cannan has no confidence in MHKs (some of whom are members of  Comin) and are we also to infer (from the vote) that MHKs and MLCs have little or no confidence in Cannan.


    Wouldn`t it be interesting for one to propose a vote of no confidence in the other.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

    Is it just me but doesn’t Hooper’s response seem reasonable.? In some serious aspects he doesn’t agree with some of the head of the BMA’s statements and is asking for evidence and a meeting to discuss.

    Hooper may, or may not turn out to be right but it seems entirely appropriate that he asks for clarification. Surely if he thinks there are inconsistencies, these should be investigated to establish whether there are or not. Such dialogue might be considered to be part of his job.

    Hardly “fighting not listening”.


    Fair comment but shouldn`t Hooper, given the extreme gravity of the situation, been down on this like a ton of bricks immediately and already have the answers/explanations to his queries/comments?. If there is any issue here it needs resolving asap.

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  6. I too received notice early this morning by email that my Barclaycard would be withdrawn with effect from 23 June 2023 unless I could provide a UK residential address, which I can`t i.e. I can`t provide a utility bill with a UK address. So I started to investigate alternatives to Barclaycard.

    At 4.30 this afternoon I received a phone call from Barclays saying I had been identified as a small business owner (I am not) and that I may be interested in another of the Bank`s services. I asked why they were contacting me when, this morning, they had given notice of terminatiion on my Barclaycard facility. The caller said he would speak to his manager who could not provide an explanation. My request to speak to the manager was declined as they could not transfer the call!!!

    If ever "you could not make it up" was apprporaite this was it. I still have not had the courtesy of an apologetic email from Barclays relating to their earlier email withdrawing the card and my only knowledge of this came via Manx Forums. If Barclays can send out an email to IOM residents withdrawing facilities, why have they not had the decency or the PR nouse to asap send out a correcting email.


    Has anyone who revceived the withdrawal of card email this morning (i) been identified as a small business owner or (ii) received confirmation from Barclays of their error

  7. 40 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

    Maybe clear the chuffing lot of them out and put in a temporary govrnment made up of those schoolkid wannabe's. Couldn't be any worse...could it???

    Many a true word......

  8. 10 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

    As noted above, they do.

    Like I said, I'd much rather stay at home and sleep in my own bed, so going to that there London holds zero appeal for me, but if I can network a bit and influence a couple of MPs who think we're near Southampton, it will have been worth the trip.


    Like I said Gladys, a stretched analogy. But since the UK is responsible for our 'good governance', defence, international relations and a good chunk of our income is predicated on the common purse agreement, I don't think it's an unreasonable one.

    A reserved OK to your last point, but ten of you?

  9. 8 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

    With that "internal" assessment of CPA trips thus publicised, can we expect them to stop anytime soon then?

    Or is the competition to exceed Rodan's Airmiles haul still ongoing?


    And didn`t someone (and no doubt with a sitable entourage)  go swanning off to Rwanda recently.


  10. 3 hours ago, John Wright said:

    No, he had two jobs, with competitor bodies, inside knowledge that could benefit the other. It was suggested he make a choice.

    He chose.

    He also says " interestingly this conflict didn`t exist when I was appointed". Could you comment on that?

  11. 6 hours ago, John Wright said:

    Head teacher, or School Leader doesn’t teach, even in primary or junior schools. It’s managerial CEO. 

    Lots of bosses run businesses across multiple sites.

    Anyway there’s going to be a deputy head/leader ( probably non teaching ) at each school. It’s just adding another layer of management.

    Lots of bosses???

    Manx Care, MHKs, Commissioners, civil servants please note

  12. 20 hours ago, english zloty said:

    The entire conference was about DFE promoting DFE. Cannan has been beguiled by and believes their shite. Hence why the Island plan is being replaced by their economic strategy. But by far the most embarrassing thing is nearly all of Cabinet office being ordered to go to make up the numbers. 

    What a complete waste of everyone's time. 

    Whatever happened to the 500,000 visitor vision? 

    It seems to me that the Cabinet Office is the complete waste of time. An outdated, vanity project. Whatever did we do before it was created and what has it achieved since and at what cost?

  13. 1 hour ago, 2112 said:


    Part of the Establishment, never a cross word with other politicos or civil servants, suddenly he has a reforming zeal. 

    He would appear to be trying to master the art of stating the bloody obvious and hoping the electorate will applaud his reforming zeal.

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  14. I cannot recall any recent comment on the current backlogs at Nobles - positive or negative.

    I finally had a cataract operation after several years on the waiting list and it must be said (speaking as a layman) that the whole procedure was carried out in a thoroughly professional, efficient and user friendly manner. Mr Shafiq and his theatre nurses were exceptional, as were the reception people and the nurses who looked after patients pre-op and post-op. Hopefully inroads are being made into this particular backlog.

    Whoever recruited this team to Manxcare to tackle this enormous problem are to be congratulated. Perhaps the way forward for Nobles is to co-opt outside professionals when possible?

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  15. 25 minutes ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

    Or - and most importantly in my view - the coaching, mentoring and leadership skills of the leaders in the department/team. If that ultimately leads to dismissal, then so be it - that's part and parcel of being in a senior management position. 

    I don`t dispute that. Perhaps I should have said "....their survival or otherwise...."

    I think we agree that the responsibility rests with those charged with the hiring and firing. Whether or not that responsibility is shirked is another matter, it would appear that inertia rules in certain areas.

  16. 24 minutes ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

    In my view the qualification(s) are irrelevant IF the person is right for the role (unless a specific qualification is required of course).

    Also, in my experience people can interview well and then turn out to be incapable of performing the role.

    Just a shame it has ended up here when some better leadership could have given a better outcome. 

    Time for some big changes, hopefully starting tomorrow.


    As with many other professional qualifications there are some real deadheads who hold an MBA. Unfortunately what natters is performance in the job which cannot be assessed before the office holder is appointed and his/her competence can be judged properly. If their suitability for the post is found to be insufficient then their survival depends on the inertia or otherwise displayed by those in chage of the hiring and firing.

  17. There is only one MHK that matters and that is Alf Cannan in his role as Chief Minister. He needs to step up to the plate and assume responsibility for draining the swamp. As a start a few "The buck stops here" notices should be placed firmly on the desks of all Ministers. Anyone found lacking in rectifying the mess, heads should roll.

    Over to you Mr Cannan

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  18. 15 hours ago, Gladys said:

    No need to apologise, Roger.  All will be clearer when the Tribunal judgement is published.

    From what has been published so far, damage limitation should not be interpreted as preserving individuals, but the reputation of the IOM in general and the health service, whether DHSC or Manx Care, in particular.  That area has taken quite a few knocks recently.

    Exactly Gladys, nail on the head.

  19. Douglas Council have discussed pulling this years Carnival as there is no ostensible economicv benefit. They go on to say that traders get no significant benefit, indeed there is evidence that road closures actually cause disruptions. No **** Sherlock.

    You simply could not make this stuff up.

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  20. On 2/7/2022 at 11:01 PM, Gladys said:

    I edited my post to add 'uninquiring' and 'vain', because for the kind of behaviour to continue, there has to be a degree of the Nelsonian eye.  It probably isn’t willful, but rather a predisposition to accept what is presented to you at face value, without inquiry.  Why would you not be inquisitive? Well, perhaps because the deference of those presenting to you appeals to your vanity.

    Perhaps some of the senior, but relatively faceless, public servants in the more troublesome departments, are extremely adept at reversing out of the room whilst bowing with eyes affixed to the floor. 

    You feel important, authorative, and valuable, possibly for the first time in your life.  Are you going to be a 'difficult' Minister and jeopardise that?  Meanwhile, you are caught in their thrall to swallow whatever is presented to you or not to seek out what is not being presented to you.  

    Perhaps that over-egging it, but there has to be a reason for these instituonal dysfunctions to perpetuate. 



    I agree with your post. Surely Comin is the reason for the dysfunctions and numerous disasters, many of them well known, including two current financial fiascos.

    Peter Karran had it right when describing the situation which obtains in the Isle of Man as "government by patronage". Nobody has put it better, before or since.

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  21. 9 minutes ago, finlo said:

    For context an Olympic sized swimming pool holds around 2.5 million litres.

    Thanks finlo. So that means something in excess of 2 Olympic size swimming pools per day. Blows me away too Phantom.

    Good old IRIS, how much did that lot cost?

  22. 5 hours ago, 2112 said:

    Lots of homeowners/mortgage payers will definitely struggle if interest rates/mortgage rates increase as is likely to happen, to stem the tide of rising inflation. 

    As I mentioned before many of those in this committee have in all honest, have decent well paid jobs (or came from well paid taxpayers funded public sector roles) to a greater paying role.

    Some are from Political Royalty, so unlike some of their constituents, has never faced the choice of heating or eating, or worrying about the cost of living - food and essentials. Mr Squeaker another person from a comfortable position, university educated and a Chartered Accountant by profession but a professional politician all his life. Hardly someone to know what to do with a limited amount of money after paying off their obligations. From a man who would travel the world, attending conferences - whereas poor people have barely enough for a bus fare. It’s a bit condescending and insulting. It’s like the Chair of the England and Wales Cricket Board, offering to provide training on racial equality on the island.

    There is an element of people who have fallen through the gap - some on jobseekers who have been sanctioned for failure to work, late signing on etc. Some have issues like addictions.

    Throwing money at the problem won’t solve anything, and neither will grandstanding, electioneering or sloganeering. To me it seems this committee will get its orders or instructions from IOMNP Facebook crowd, and various people will be demonised or verbally abused. Particularly those who it’s deemed are comfortable and wealthy. I do hope I’m proved wrong, but if you look at the people on the committee, they are those who you would term, middle class, comfortable and wealthy. All that’s missing is the Bishop, another comfortable middle class expert, who should stick to ecumenical matters. 

    Maybe a inter island poverty committee involving Doctors, Graih, Housing Matters, Education and those who know about the islands poverty issues. Perhaps they could come up the alternative and practical ideas. I could give one - second hand furniture being recycled, renovated and sold to people on low incomes (with unemployed people being trained in a skill). Perhaps we could train people to repair white goods - after all, many a politician repaired washing machines! These could be repaired tested and sold, aiming at low income households. Government are banging on about carbons, climate change and recycling, well let’s put it into practice, and help people out of poverty and giving them a purpose. One day they could be the next MHK for Onchan!


    Until the poverty committee and all politicians realise that the major problem facing society today is the growing gap between income levels of the well paid and not so well paid. It does not require rocket science to work out that an increase of (say) £10 per week in household expenses may be devastating for those on lower incomes, may be hardly noticed by those on the poverty committee and on similar income levels, but is a drop in the ocean to those on the higher pay scales. This is further exaccerbated by flat rate, across the board pay rises which simply increase the gap.

    The problem is the ever growing gap between the income levels of those with the lowest household incomes and those above them. Until politicians grasp and address this fundamental point, the gap between the haves and have nots will increase exponentially giving rise to further social problems (and unrest) in the future.

    With regard to Mr Callister`s glib remark about the Island not needing a food bank, he would do well to remember the old saying about mind in gear before opening your mouth. Not really what you want to hear from a high profile member appointed to a poverty committee, particularly by those who have to utilise the foodbanks. But then again, what do we expect?

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  23. 45 minutes ago, Gladys said:

    This 100%.

    In light of the persistent and consistent ineptitude across the whole government piece, there is one clarion call and that is for accountability, and not the superficial, nonspecific accountability bandied around at election time, but a process of governance, oversight and review with real teeth, that does see heads roll.  Forget collective responsibility, it is individual responsibility that is required. 

    Is there any area of government that has escaped demonstrable ineptitude, failed projects, toxic culture? Education, Infrastructure, Health have all been found wanting, even DEFA has had a few close calls.

    At the coal face most areas have committed people wanting to do the best, but the higher up you go it seems the greater chance of incompetence and toxicity. 

    If any candidate on your doorstep refers to accountability, just make sure they have specific ideas to deal with it, not some nebulous aspiration. 

    which is why the Comin system will never be fit for purpose in the IOM

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