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Thomas Jefferson

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Posts posted by Thomas Jefferson

  1. The newer Summerland built in its place always gave me the heebie jeebies as a kid. I didn't realise until years later what had happened there. You could just feel it in the air that something horrible had happened. A weird sense of claustrophobia. That is why I would like to see a relaxing garden area instead of a new building on the site.

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  2. Too many inconsistencies in the whole thing, coupled with the fact that every psychologist ever interviewed on the subject says they are clearly hiding something leads me to believe we're not getting the full story.


    It doesn't necessarily mean they were complicit. The parents may have been warned/threatened to back off because if the involvement of people high up. It is no secret that the ruling elite in the UK are largely a bunch of paedophiles.


    Too many inconsistencies in the whole thing, coupled with the fact that every psychologist ever interviewed on the subject says they are clearly hiding something leads me to believe we're not getting the full story.

    Catholics weren't/aren't they............says it all for me to be honest.


    Yes, because we all know from history that Protestants would never be involved in anything dodgy.


    I am not really interested in how much they're going to spend. That poor girl deserves justice, whatever the cost.


    Certainly but what about all the other missing children about whom we hear next to nothing? Do they not deserve justice as well?


    This is what winds me up about this case. So many other children go missing or are abducted each year yet very few get the coverage this case has done. I have nothing against the McCanns - this is all due to the media!



    I believe children everywhere deserve justice. That's why I am against wars.


    The media has a lot to answer for. Every night there are countless people living on the streets and yet we have Peter Andre and Katie Price and other knob heads on the front pages of the newspapers. People need to realise that news is nothing more than entertainment designed to keep us distracted, divided and afraid. We're easier to control that way.

  5. But you’re not thinking here. You are a law-abiding citizen. You’ve done nothing to break the law and have no intention of doing so. Now you’re being strip searched.


    You are perfectly fine with that?

    This is why the Isle of Man needs a Bill of Rights:


    Amendment IV


    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

  6. ATTORNEY GENERAL v. COWLEY and KINRADE 1522 - 1920 MLR 107 (PC) Decided in the mid 1860's. This was a case where two men were prosecuted for trespassing onto the queens land, the forest, ie the moorland, (now public land held on trust for the crown for the public service of the Isle of Man) makes it quite clear in Manx terms that land owned by the state is private. The two men being prosecuted believed the land was "common" and they could go where they wanted


    Mr Wright, Who exactly is "the state" defined as? Who gets to proclaim "L'etat C'est Moi" in the Isle of Man? The Queen? Tynwald? I was under the impression there was some sort of ambiguity about the Isle of Man Government's legal existence, and that each department was a stand-alone legal entity -- can you confirm whether that is the case? Personally, I think in a modern classical liberal nation, it is the electorate who ought to be regarded as the state, and the ultimate arbiter of sovereignty, but I appreciate that we still live in the 1500s.

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  7. You're simply wrong. Mark is the ultimate advertisement for everything Manx.


    I hope that one day when I grow up I can learn to ride my bicycle without the stabilisers like Mark.

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  8. I believe you need to look at this slightly differently thumbsup.gif


    When Cavendish starts to use his platform to speak up against injustice, to be a voice for the voiceless, then he might go on my list of top Manx people. Until then, he's just another bicycle rider.

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  9. I think Mark Cavendish might just be the greatest Manxman that ever lived.


    No offence to Mark Cavendish, but I believe the Manxmen who put their lives on the line and fought in WW2 might have a better claim to that title.

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  10. Watched The Illusionist last night. Very good film with great performances by Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti. 9/10


    What was your last film and was it any good?


    The last movie I saw was Walt Disney's Tangled. I rate it 10/10 for having good storyline, good characterisation, good humour (especially the horse), good graphics, and good singing.

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