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Everything posted by Vorta

  1. Oh where's the land rover scrapyard? I've not visited there.
  2. Oh god no. The island is at its worst at TT time.
  3. Oblivion is way better than Elysium. I like sci-fi but Elysium is crap.
  4. I'm sick of these remakes. The amazing Spider-Man was another rehash. Come up with some new ideas instead of oh that was a good film but I'd have done it this way. Lets see what Disney do with Star Wars. And if buzz light year is in it I won't be happy!
  5. Oh that Star Trek into darkness was shite. So is Elysium. For a laugh I had to watch 'kenny' again.
  6. A lot of stones are flung over there in the winter. I would not be parking my motor home down there.
  7. Just search summerland fire to find community page on Facebook.
  8. You can see through the staircase to the ground below. The steps have no 'backs' to them.
  9. I think it's down to temperature. Maybe resistant to matches and cigarettes but once it's well alight and burning it'll pass onto the next panel and so on.
  10. I went regularly as a child before and after the fire/rebuild and never thought it was dangerous. But I was a child and they could have run bare cables across the floor and I would not think it dangerous (at the time). Hazard awareness only gets better with age (to a point)
  11. Yes they were. But not to the point they could manipulate images to the degree speculated.
  12. Says the man who spends the best part of every day and evening in front of a computer screen. Not really. I'm just extremely good at multi-tasking. A lot of the time I'm actually posting from my phone in the middle of the countryside or to pass the time while on a bus. I spend the best part of the day in front of a book. Oh you will enjoy the free wi-fi when it gets installed on the buses then. Do you want me to tell you which ones have it fitted. When they round to fitting it.
  13. I was wondering if this was rotting my brain but then forgot what I was wondering about.
  14. It was a concrete fireproof monstrosity. It was never the same but better than it is now. A derelict site is no memorial.
  15. If the site is haunted how is it not included in the ghost tours/walks? And are there no reports of sightings or funny goings on?
  16. My parents and I had plans to go to summer land that night. Thank goodness our plans changed. We could see the glow of the fire from our house in anagh coar.
  17. I'd agree. I'm on iPhone four using iOS 6 point whatever and the App Store seems fine
  18. Aye anyone with half a brain cell familiar with IT. I'm not overly familiar with IT. Oh sod it. I had a point there but have lost it. Can't be arsed.
  19. Aye tell google to sort out their maps too. It's making a mockery of the bus service.
  20. Mainland!!??? Burn this pillock burn him! You can only speak of the mainland while standing on the calf of man you heathen.
  21. SIM card swap. If your mate is on sure use his. Download the game and swap cards back. Piece of piss.
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