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Posts posted by Zarley

  1. 14 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

    I wonder how much the investigation cost it was spun out for long enough the recommendations are commonsense and should have been in force before this farce started.    It seems the Education Department does not scrutinise any content of matter that is circulated to schools the whole issue smacks of slackness and incompetence.    

    What's happening in education is that in the UK they are outsourcing their sex and relationships education to outside companies. These companies keep their materials as a closely guarded secret under the guise of commercial sensitivity. These companies are all usually connected to Stonewall, Mermaids and similar groups. Schools are pressured to accept their materials with little or no scrutiny under the threat of being labelled "phobic". 

    From what I've been able to see, we have a similar situation here where parents aren't permitted to see the materials. To be fair I haven't looked since last spring, but at that time you couldn't. 

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  2. 57 minutes ago, HeteroErectus said:


    @Zarley if you think that's being a dick, that thing in between your legs is probably quite confusing.



    You decide to call yourself HeteroErectus and then wonder why someone says you're a straight-up dick. I think you're the one who may be a bit confused. 😂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, CrazyDave said:

    Conspiracy theory incoming.

    Peter Hickman die on island today, and the mountain closed to remove road furniture from MGP.

    Did you mean due, or died?

  4. 48 minutes ago, WTF said:

    this is how you do it , and if you see smoke you drop it into the sea.


    download (1).jpg

    Yes, I'm sure all the marine life will be ecstatic to receive yet more deadly, toxic castoffs from the humans.


    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, ricardo said:


    The reality is that millions around the globe were in fact ‘forced’ to get a vaccination, either under the threat of losing their jobs if they did not, or being unable to travel to see family unless they did. Fortunately the illegality of such threats is now being exposed, and overturned.

    The "reality" is that you picked the wrong article to support your claim that millions were forced to get vaccinated or lose their jobs. The job losses at Quantas discussed in the article happened before the vaccine was even available. From the article you linked to:

    Qantas said in a statement it accepted the court’s ruling. Qantas’ decision to restructure its business and outsource jobs had been made to improve its ability to survive and ultimately recover when borders were closed, lockdowns were in place and no COVID-19 vaccine existed, it said.

    It's always a good idea to actually read and comprehend articles you link to when you're using them to prove a point. You failed to do so in this instance. 

    • Like 2
  6. 45 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

    (This is Andy Warhole and it's take one, take one)
    It's, it's Warhol actually
    (What did I say)
    Whole, it's whole as in wholes
    (Andy Warhol)
    Wah, Andy War hol, Andy War hol (he)
    Like whole hub
    Are you ready
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha

    And here's me thinking you don't do recreational drugs. Proven wrong again!

  7. On 9/14/2023 at 9:10 PM, Two-lane said:

    I have a plan... The top of Snaefell down to Laxey beach. You'd be flying past Roxanne's window, but it would be polite to avert your gaze.



    That was great! If we had one on the island, I'd go for a ride on it whenever my spirits needed a lift. So quite often. 

    ETA it just needs an occasional 360 loop. 😂

    • Like 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

    About £5 per seat per leg if I remember right.

    So... ten quid per seat if you have two legs attached to your bottom. 

    Is it free if you're legless?

  9. 13 hours ago, Jarndyce said:

    He should have chosen a different lever: DHSS/DHSC/MC, in turn since 2003, have had an ongoing underfunding situation (which the politicians insist on describing as an overspend).   The situation has got worse, of course - increased throughput of patients, increased tertiary spend, effect of inflation and drug company pricing policies on drug costs - but there’s been this constant attempt to play catch up since Eddie’s notion in 2003.   Even when shown evidence of where the money was going, politicians over the years have refused to accept that it can’t all be clawed back through “efficiencies” - for which read service cuts, staffing cuts and reduced bed numbers, etc etc and etc ad nauseum.

    Of course! That's how they shift the apparent blame from themselves to the patients and front line staff in the public's perception. 

    They're sleight of hand merchants. God forbid they should put their efforts into transparency.

    • Like 1
  10. The last two times I was in Liverpool, there were quite a few in Bold St. They didn't used to hang around there much until the whole street was recently pedestrianised.

    Most of the restaurants and cafes - of which there are many more now - have outdoor seating and that seems to be the draw. They don't bother seated patrons, but they do hover around the fringes.

    My favourite independent bookshop is in Bold St. so I've been going there for years. The second hand book section in the Bold St. Oxfam is good as well. 

    Ranelagh St. between the Adelphi and Bold St. usually has a fair few too, and the ATMs outside Lloyd's on the corner usually have at least one. 

    Wonder what they did with the huge metal horse sculpture that used to sit on that same corner outside Lloyd's? I miss it.

  11. 1 minute ago, HeliX said:

    Any virus can cause post-viral fatigue. Or would long norovirus be a tattered bumhole?

    From what I understand, long covid is in a different league to post-viral fatigue syndrome. Long covid can manifest in many different symptoms that ordinary post-viral fatigue doesn't. 

    • Like 1
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  12. 31 minutes ago, 2112 said:

    ...and are permanently dick waving in their quest to be world beating g and world leading. 

    You'd think they'd have figured out a way to harness the wind generated by all those waving dicks by now. It's steadier and more reliably present than natural wind. Yet another missed opportunity. 

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