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the stinking enigma

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Posts posted by the stinking enigma

  1. Surely just kicking him in the bollocks every morning would have dampened his desire down a bit. There was no need to kill the poor fucker. I despair at times

    • Haha 2
  2. 28 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

    This is a genuine observation.

    Everywhere I go hardly anyone is wearing a mask, so how come you are all reporting this massive compliance?

    I am not anti mask, every building I have been in this week I have had one with me to wear if I felt others expected it.

    Crosby CO-OP.  1 customer out of about 20 I saw was wearing one.  A group walked through the door wearing them, noticed no one else was and took them off.  That is pretty much what I have been doing.

    Petrol station.  None.

    Spar. None.

    Schools.  Hardly any kids are wearing them.

    Various offices as part of work. Very, very few.

    I really don’t understand where all these mask wearers are hanging out, but accept that I haven’t been to Tesco etc.

    Maybe they are all walking round with them in their pockets, too scared to wear them in case the big boys laugh at them. Meanies they are.

    • Like 3
  3. It's the lack of finacial support which has caused a lot of problems, and it will again. Mainly because it's designed that way. To anyone at the bottom. Covid has very much reinforced that, to the point where even their prescription chemical cosh can't hide that reality.

    • Like 4
  4. 3 minutes ago, Danoo said:

    I'm not surprised. I heard it and thought WTF?? It was like his script had been written by a member of the Doomsday Cult. Completely inaccurate, unscientific and sent out the wrong message at the wrong time. 

    See, i didn't even notice him say it at the time. It's definitely been siezed upon by the doomdeniers though, to quite a widespread level judging by the comments, mainly consisting of "who is that guy?" 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Danoo said:

    Idiotic statement from the Chief Minister didn't help. It wasn't a calming message. Threats of mandating mitigations, talk of immune systems not working anymore and raising of threat levels. 

    He needs to sack his script writer and grow a pair. He could have delivered the same message using different rhetoric and smoothed the situation over. 

    I seldom use twitter, but was doing a bit of doomdenier scrolling last night. His speech, the part where he mentions the immune system not working anymore, has really taken off, i saw it retweeted loads of times. 

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