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  1. I don't think cruelty to dogs is acceptable, although I would personally have them all painlessly shot if I was in power.
  2. Uh....possibly not the most appealing freeze frame of all time.
  3. Umberto Eco? lol, the guy's a left-wing writer of crap literature and his "hallmarks" are convoluted. I prefer to consult the Oxford English Dictionary for my definition of fasicsm and oddly enough Trump doesn't match it.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qdfB7Et-98
  5. Are you for real? Trump doesn't have speech writers. I have been following his campaign from the very start and he is very good in interviews and is not reading from a teleprompter. He's a genuine guy. That's why so many Americans support him. And no he isn't an asshole. He's a successful businessman who cares about his country and isn't afraid to call a spade a spade in an age of idiotic political correctness. TRUMP 2016!
  6. http://www.jta.org/1988/07/20/archive/orthodox-child-with-rare-ailment-is-rescued-aboard-tycoons-jet Some "racist" (sarcasm)! And from 1988 so not a PR stunt for the current presidential campaign.
  7. Had Hitchens lived, I've no doubt they'd have tried to ban him from re-entering the UK as well. Nothing Trump has said has been anti-Muslim at all. It's just the leftist pro-Democrat media have been taking him out of context to make him look bad. It's a typical tactic, no doubt to distract us from Obama's war crimes and Hillary's involvement in the Benghazi massacre (oh, and her hubby's prolific raping of women).
  8. If you'll care to take the time to read proper news sources and from all sides instead of just the distorted hit pieces put out by leftist media, you'll see he is talking sense.
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