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  1. I think someone somewhere told her she was great. Then the ego gets out of hand. Brindley seems unable to pull her in. To,ask people to text in over and over again every Saturday morning is just crazy. Hospital radio stuff. Now she has made it on to TT TV heaven help us!
  2. Now that Mr Brindley has settled into the job his friend Charles Guard arranged for him I'm surprised he did not move Mr Moss onto the retirement home for old broadcasters and bring in fresh meat like Mr Cave or Mr Bell who have an ability to connect to a new generation of radio TT listener. I understand Jonny Moss is a nightmare to work with as he will not be told how to do a story, even by his bosses.
  3. Doesn't say it all when Manx Radio are paying to advertise this new directory on Face Book! (See the sponsored bit under the heading). Just like everyone else you can target the whole Island for just £5. I think most forms of traditional advertising are really going to be replaced by the big boys of the internet. Sadly what won't include that MR directory...powered by radio...whatever that really means. How much money will this cost us? Remember Manx Radio Plus? Where you couldn't enter a competition unless you were a member! What a crazy idea that all turned out to be.
  4. Proof, it was really needed, that with a little thought about a program the presenter can make a big difference. Talking Heads today was with Bob Harrison, also next Monday and Tuesday. He did a bit of research, on the hoof I think, just finding out what a Minister had said about something. The program had direction and got feedback from the audience. Surly after 5 years of the same broken record the public are intitled to a new DJ to breath live back into a very sorry two hours of so called talk radio/PSB. I think the music content was much lower as well. You got the impression that Bob was trying to show boss Brindley that he should get the show full time. Let's hope so. Congratulations all round.
  5. Being 5 years old these videos have resurfaced. I've found all the links buried deep on the Manx Telecom website. http://www.manx.net/tv/mt-tv/watch/4848/mttv-5-manx-radio-cuts-1- http://www.manx.net/tv/mt-tv/watch/4849/manx-radio-cuts-2- http://www.manx.net/tv/mt-tv/watch/4857/manx-radio-cuts-3- http://www.manx.net/tv/mt-tv/watch/4858/manx-radio-cuts-4- God knows why they were split into so many sections but worth looking at. All these years and nothing has changed. Would explain why the same tired DJs are still on the radio. God they sound bored!
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