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Everything posted by manxkinho

  1. From the nature of the sector, it’s likely to be primarily a money laundering investigation, so if that’s the case then they may not want to say that explicitly until they’ve got everything and everyone they need, evidence wise. Who knows, but perhaps you’re right, the regulator let the secret out early…..
  2. My working theory is that they’re not announcing any arrests or investigation more formally until they’ve got everything and/or everyone that they need to get. Maybe some of them have managed to get out of dodge before the cops came knocking……it’s just a theory right now….
  3. The biggest issue, I’d argue in all of this, the combination of lack of effective due diligence on the beneficial owners of these enterprises, and the ongoing oversight of them. The idea of regulation is that it’s supposed to catch this stuff, and it seems like the regulator may have been caught sleeping on the job. We’ll see what the coming days, weeks and months bring in terms of more details, but it’s certainly a bad look for the island overall….
  4. I also further imagine that people involved in any visits like that will be keeping their mouths well shut!
  5. I’d imagine that they would have “knocked” the doors of major players at the same time as they arrived at Bucks road. I heard that there were a number of police cars parked behind the building for most of the day, and I’d imagine that, at least, the major directors of each group company would have been visited at home on the same morning. That’d be kinda standard practice for investigations like this, particularly if evidence was looking to be preserved.
  6. Difference being that gaming licenses weren’t suspended, right? Also, looks like Sturgeon’s husband is in the sh** too, unlucky for him!
  7. I would agree with this, much depends on whether charges have been laid and whether or not they’re allowed to disclose that.
  8. armed police! wowsers!
  9. There hasn’t been much more said other than it’s a criminal investigation. What’s telling is that the GSC acted quickly which suggests that there is a metric ton of evidence to back up this, it certainly appears like that at least. Ive not seen any info on anyone being arrested as of yet, but I’ve no doubt that it’s “squeaky bum” time for anyone connected at a high level in the respective group companies!
  10. https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/youve-been-telt-sweary-spoof-17967270 "Ye've been telt!"
  11. Actually, Wee Nicky is doing a grand job for Scotland at this moment, much better than that collective bunch of jokers they call a "government" down in Westminster? Trip to Durham anyone?
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