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Escape Artist

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Everything posted by Escape Artist

  1. The unusual font is probably derived from cut and pasting bit and pieces of the two mentioned papers. You choose to focus on utterly irrelevant details such as the font or the word 'heart' misspelled with an extra 'h' at the end; rather than addressing the damning content issues. You should read the papers. And there is so much more of that literature. The consensus of the BBC and the other MSM is not what people in the know think. The Covid vaccines have been repudiated by independent scientists (those not in the payroll of big pharma).
  2. I would give to children the standard vaccinations I had when I was a child myself. However, in some countries, the vaccination schedule has been augmented disproportionately in recent years and some of this expansion is very questionable. This would be a wider topic well outside the scope of the present discussion. The response to the covid event has been disproportionate and different from any prior "pandemic" response and to what the WHO and any other medical authority had in mind prior to the covid event. You fail to understand that the covid response was entirely driven by politics rather than scientific evidence. You fail to understand that as concerns covid there is a big gap between the consolidated scientific consensus and the "official" narrative espoused by the mainstream media. What I wrote in my previous posting is derived from the most credible academic sources. I could point out to the published papers; but I know that your lot is not evidence driven; you would just refuse factual evidence like those who believe in the biblical version of creation refuse all the evidence pointing otherwise. I have a doctorate; I dealt with numbers in all my professional life; I am a discounting machine. You are the one believing in the shit of the Bible and the BBC; not me.
  3. No. Obviously. I did not have any of the covid jabs. My initial intention was to wait for a vaccine based on traditional technology, i.e., on the antigen (Novavax vaccine) or the inactivated virus (Valneva vaccine). But when more data came in; I realized that it was better to avoid it completely. Reason being that even with the less armful covid jabs the spike protein is found in the brain and in other organs, which does not usually happen with a natural infection (what back then tilted me against it definitively, but there has been a lot more damned evidence since). If you catch a coronavirus infection and you are not too old and decrepit; the virus with its spike remains confined to nose and throat. That is what happened to me when I finally caught covid: an intense cold, but no symptom below my throat or above my nose. And it cleared completely after a while. Recent scientific literature clearly shows that the spike protein is actually the main pathogen agent of the covid virus. And what the covid injectables do, is to hijack the cellular machine to produce the spike protein all over your stupid body. The mode of action of coronaviruses was well known prior to 2019. 30% of all the cold infections that we had up to 2019 were caused by a coronavirus; by the four coronaviruses that were endemic in the human specie up to 2019; and still are. Now there are five, Covid having been added to the list, courtesy of that Wuhan lab. That was always going to be the endgame; and we had to get used to it. The idea that a similar kind of virus could be eradicated; or that it could have become more dangerous if the spread was not controlled; or that it was a kind of virus amenable to vaccination, was all considered rubbish in the scientific literature up to 2019. And frankly, it is still regarded as rubbish. I truly did not mean to generalise opposition to all vaccines. There are different types of viruses and different types of vaccines; in different circumstances. Unfortunately the medical authorities have blown their credibility to pieces on this matter and now people are left on their own to decide which vaccines are appropriate and when. See below.
  4. The factcheckers are leftist organisations. I could post tens of scientific papers demolishing the official covid narrative maintained by the politically correct mainstream media. Showing, for instance, that the clinical trials conducted Pfizer and Moderna were intentionally designed to grossly misrepresent vaccine efficacy; a fraud basically. The covid injectables have no efficacy whatsoever. No avail. You are not evidence driven and don't have the intellectual ability to work out which position is correct. People are stupid and ignorant. If you had been born in Russia, you would be Putin's happy foot soldiers; until losing an arm or leg of course. You deserve to be screwed. Your only luck is that the government of this island is relatively benign in respect to Russia and a lot of other places of the world. Still incredibly ineffectual and hypocrite and relying on the populace to be too stupid and ignorant to do something about it; like any other government.
  5. Dr. McCullough, a renowned academic with 1,000 plus journal publications to his name, delivered a speech to the European Union Parliament on September 13th in a session dedicated to the World Health Organization and Pandemic response. Here is the video of McCullough’s speech at the European Parliament: https://rumble.com/v3hwcgm-dr.-mcculloughs-speech-at-the-european-parliament.html Dr. McCullough speaks to denounce three false narratives. The first false narrative was the virus is unassailable, we have to stay in lockdown and be fearful. The second false narrative is take a vaccine, it’s safe and effective. We are now seeing a third false narrative. The third false narrative is: it’s not the vaccine causing these problems, it’s covid. Don’t fall for those false narrative, Dr. McCullough says. The medical literature at this point in time is compelling. The Bradford-Hill criteria for causality have been fulfilled. The covid injectables have been causing this enormous wave of illness. I have seen by myself many, many journal publications supporting the above position. But evidence does not matter to the taliban covidians… My suggestion is that you covidian fuckheads keep taking the covidian injectables until you succumb to hearth inflammation or vasculitis or some other serious immune dysfunction caused by those injectables.
  6. Have you though it moving forward? Are you going to spend the rest of your life being vaxed and vaxed again and again to protect you against this version of cold. I had covid twice: found out only because I had to do a test to travel. The first time it was a cold, a bit worse than the usual cold but a even lesser illness than what Filippo describes to have had a month ago. The second time, it was nothing at all; I only knew my “positiveness” because I had to do the stupid test. After that, got tired of all that testing and started simply producing fake Antigen/PCR test results by editing the PDFs of previous tests, changing the date. My covid pass was bought on Telegram for 200 EUR. If you think I am bad, don’t care. I have the right to live my life. I have the right to manage my own health. Give me one sole reason why I should ever have bothered with Covid; when I didn’t, and I am perfectly fine. Your health is outsourced to the government. I don’t think you are going to live a longer or more prosperous life. It has never been in offer from the government.
  7. I used an even more straightforward method to procure a covid pass: on Telegram, with 200 EUR I bought one registered in my name and with my birth date; no need or a fake ID. Never vaxed. At first I was hesitant to use it for crossing borders, just in case it had ended in some back list. But then, I tired of all those covid formalities and started giving it to border guards. It worked like charm. And have no bad feelings about it. All my friends know. Have no interest in the friendship of those who think I have been doing something immoral.
  8. Howard Quayle and David Ashford are sometimes too ridiculous to be real; their briefings are a pantomime act and it is so easy to mock them. One has to recognize that there has been a gradient of improvement in the most recent speeches of Quayle, once he has realized and started to openly admit that the island has to transition from a policy of zero covid to learning to live with the virus; sooner rather than later. The take-away from Thursday speech is precisely that. It is a welcome improvement; at last.
  9. For the time being, as concerns Covid, IOM does not make any distinction about the origin of travel. This may change if they start copying Jersey. But that frankly would require moving away from the whole "zero Covid" mindset: I will believe when I see it. What HMRC has to do with it?
  10. Guernsey has fully abolished the requirement to wear mask in enclosed spaces.
  11. They don't. But of course they ask to see tickets and other info. Be carefully what you say and better prepare it in advance. As a transit traveller you don't have to do the Covid tests or register an UK address. The post on top of pag. 2016 points out to the relevant legislation. The problem is that some immigration officers will be ignorant about it.
  12. I had been travelling off island and off UK by myself recently and had the same type of hassle. The info is broadly correct. But the UK locator form may have changed since (hopefully improved).
  13. My concern is that having inculcated enormous fear into the population for the supposedly noble purpose of limiting fatalities, our government(s) will be tempted in extracting political capital by pursuing an absurd policy of complete eradication. That would push us into frequent re-vaccinations with experimental vaccines that haven't been around for long enough to understand their overall effects; things like gene therapy. Absurd for limiting an illness with such a low fatality rate. What do you expect a populist buffoon such as Boris Johnson to do? Would you trust him with your health and wellbeing?
  14. It is better than the flu, because the virus is intrinsically more stable and easier to vaccinate. However, the goal of sterilising immunity is a chimera with ordinary vaccines. We will achieve nothing like measles.
  15. Roger Mexico: I wasn’t thinking about you when I wrote that. There are others on this forum (I can think of about four posters) that have seen those vaccinations cards granting the right to travel as inevitable, almost a de-facto accomplishment. I don’t really think those posters are Stalinist minions. They haven’t thought through the issues. They read a certain British press, which has been overdramatising Covid, cheerleading lockdown, overlooking those vexatious issues or misrepresenting them; typically oversimplifying the problem by looking though ideological lens. There are 10-20 different Covid vaccines coming our way. They have different profiles of risk from the novelty of their platforms, different profiles of individual and community protection. Different countries, for having different cultures and different political systems, are likely to make different choices (the early signs, within Europe, is that many governments are treading very cautiously I have to say). For the government, mandatory vaccinations in the specific situation of Covid is like stepping in a dangerous minefield. The kind of governments that may seriously consider that kind of policy is one who doesn’t care about public opinion or who can easily manipulate it.
  16. Each country has its own prearranged quota; based on agreements signed last summer. Approval does not change that. I am critical of the government response, but it is not a race to the bottom. Not that bad!
  17. It is not true. EU countries do not have to follow EU guidelines on that matter and most don't. For instance, Austria has Covid rules that already regards the UK as being outside of the EU and among the countries for which an exception is made. Those rules are updated frequently, but it is unlikely that the essence will change, considering that there are hundred of thousands of UK residents that have close links to Austria. And, when you say the EU... don't mean France. But even in case of France, it is mainly posturing. Anyway, the EU is no good use for us; for this island in particular. We need the EU like a hole in the head.
  18. As a further disappointments to the Stalinist minions on this forum, Ashford confirms that there will be no immunity passport or travel conditional on vaccine status in this isle. Even Ashford has a basic-level understanding of some of the issues. Here is the link: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/advocate-raises-concerns-over-covid-immunity-passports In the meantime, in the US an FDA advisory board called Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee has recommend the approval of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for emergency use; vote which went through with 17 in favour, 4 against and 1 abstention. The FDA is not bound to follow such advice, but usually it does. I mention this to point out that consensus on this particular vaccine is not unanimous among government scientists.
  19. I doubt that he was a returning resident. The mask would be an open invitation to call the police. As it happened with the four welders. They went into Tesco and someone asked them why they were wearing a mask; and then the police was called. That is how they got caught.
  20. Much to the disappointment of Roger Mexico and his Stalinist minions.
  21. Here is the IOMG regulation on exercise for returning residents: https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/travel-advice/household-isolation-and-exercise Yes, you can go out for exercise. I have seen people walking a dog with a mask. Or you can go out in the mid of the night running on your own, which is what I did when I was back in the island.
  22. Turns out, the Swiss are the most reticent to be vaccinated; half of them don’t want it: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/scepticism-against-anti-covid-vaccine-grows/46190500 The Swiss authorities are also reticent to have it approved, no Covid vaccination is expected in there until late January. Swiss GDP per capita is double the UK’s. One can find some principality, city state etc with higher GDP per capita, but not a whole country of that size. Thus, not a country of nuts precisely.
  23. Manx’s government web pages clearly states that while the vaccine is recommended by DHSC to “Islanders” in the “eligible groups” in order of priority, “it is not mandatory and it is ultimately your choice whether or not to have the vaccine”. So reassuring to see it spelled out so clearly; it will disappoint the Stalinist buggers of this forum who had given for granted that Covid vaccinations would been made as mandatory as possible.
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