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Everything posted by ricardo

  1. Not only ‘effective’ but.. ’Safe AND effective’ Apparently.. Mr Tickle 😋
  2. Or weightier works? Personally I think Tickle may have been in on it
  3. Were you perhaps thinking of books like these maybe?
  4. By ‘nutter’ I presume you mean you find the perspective I put forward fanciful. Since I am sure you are not alone in that belief I chose not to offer any comment on the WHO stats above, or the incredibly well researched Substack link. Should anyone decide to read it you will find its’ perspective anything but fanciful. We are heading for very interesting times - ‘Covid’ was just the start.. And masks will not help.
  5. Yes, it must have been those incredibly effective paper masks that saved us - thank you Baroness. It couldn’t have been that the entire thing was made up from start to finish. If you decide to read the article you might learn something. Useful. Life saving even.
  6. The below article seems worthy of an ‘un-flounce’: https://suavek1.substack.com/p/the-processing-trap-by-felix-feistel The image below is from the World Health Organisations’ own figures.
  7. Hi Gladys I have have no doubt of your positive intention. However, we have very different perspectives. If one believes the events of September 11th 2001 were perpetrated by a bearded man in a cave one will have one perspective - and maybe be supportive of the US’s (aided and abetted by the unbelievably corrupt Tony Blair) so called ‘war on terror’ (which killed ONE MILLION INNOCENT CIVILIANS). If one is aligned with the evidence - rather than the media propaganda - one might conclude the US government conspired to cause those truly awful events, and is likely to have a different perspective. Ditto with Mr Heading. What he actually did was send or copy-in Dr Glover to a series of e mails - which admittedly he does with a level of obsession. The reason he is obsessed about this subject is that his belief is that the covid ‘vaccines’ are toxic and that Dr Glover either knew this, or was willfully ignorant. It is of course possible Dr Glover was unaware, but she would not be had she read the evidence Mr Heading bombarded her, and others with (I acknowledge there was ‘bombardment’). I recognise that your beliefs & perspective are likely radically different from the above and acknowledge your right to hold them. However, Dr Glover had a responsibility to look at radically different evidence than that she was making her decisions on given she was a public health official with responsibility to the community. She did not do so. Whilst she may well have been upset, and may well have been pregnant, she chose to blindly follow UK government advice. The UK government ignored and over-ruled its own ethics and advisory committee to go on and recommend UNTESTED covid ‘vaccines’ for children. This is something that has never been done in medical history yet Dr Glover went along with it. Which is, in my, and many others’, opinion, outrageous. Mr Heading is a bell weather for many people’s perspective. He has far more support than you and others may believe - the usually silent minority. Only a few of whom are ‘nutters’. There will be an appeal. Based on the evidence it will be surprising - even in the unbelievably corrupt Manx legal system - if Mr Heading’s sentence is not quashed. He may well not be acquitted - there were a lot of e mails! - but all the issues he has raised are valid.
  8. Whether one believes that or not, there are very real issues that happened at Abbotswood. They are of the nature that our police service - the one that throws its’ resources at teenagers with cannabis, and a little at fraudsters, while turning a blind eye to really serious issues - has filed them in the ‘nothing to see here’ department. If there is anyone reading who actually cares, rather than simply wishes to throw around fatuous comments, Abbotswood is worthy of a very close look. Which is no doubt why Mr Heading is now in Jurby. Allinson is definitely in the second category - as will no doubt be fully revealed when he finally gets the job he has coveted for so long.
  9. Courtenay Heading is obsessive and does not have good listening skills which makes him easy to dismiss. But does not make him wrong. If one takes the time to actually listen to what he says one discovers how well informed he is - the upside to obsession. I am delighted to discover that Tim Glover is one who has done. Tim Glover is not a stupid man. That he has been persuaded of what really happened in Abbotswood (and tragically, many, many other nursing homes) will have been as a result of the totally compelling evidence Mr Heading has compiled. And it is compelling. Which is no doubt the reason Mr Glover offered his support. And no doubt the reason Mr Heading has been jailed - by our miserably corrupt courts. As ever, the truth will out.
  10. Sorry - it's the dementia 😉 (will go back to my 'flounce')
  11. Other than in huge doses fluoride does not kill - it has other effects. Dementia is known to be one of them..
  12. Good point - I apologise if I have done so. I don’t intend to return to the forum - most have made it clear they are uninterested in what I have been attempting to say - but offer the below film for anyone who might be open to expanding their perspective. The maker, Mike Smith, is a former Hollywood stuntman and director who stumbled across some of the worst aspects of that World - an aspect I can assure is alive and well in the Isle of Man. Those involved in Freemasonry may already be aware of, or have some inkling, of the dark aspects of your organisation - if you really do not know I can also assure you it is far worse than you may believe. It is those who follow this belief system who are responsible for most of what I have raised previously. My views may be ‘far out’ for some but have not been reached without considerable thought. And discernment. I invite anyone open enough to apply same. The ‘Out of Shadows’ movie is not without flaws, and I don’t offer it as ’the truth’ but it is certainly interesting..
  13. I have done my best. Time will reveal all. Ricardo out.
  14. I am unconcerned what forum members may think about me but extremely concerned about what is clearly happening - which, for what it’s worth, is certainly not a delusion on my behalf. The doctors and nurses who administered the ‘vaccines’ did not know what they were doing. Many of them are aware now - try asking some - but most are too concerned for their jobs to speak up. Anyone who decides to listen to the debate below will hear some facts and figures. Dismiss if you wish, but this subject is far, far from humorous. The World Health Organisation is currently planning for what they are calling ‘Disease X’. They will attempt another global ‘vaccination’ campaign when it hits, and more ‘lockdowns’. The purpose of ‘disease X’ is to mask the huge numbers of deaths that are currently escalating, as a consequence of the ‘genetic therapy’ so many of you took. Anyone who is willing to consider the possibility any of this could be true, and is concerned about your own health, will find effective remedial protocols on a previous post. These are not the ravings of one delusional person - millions around the World are aware of these plans. Not all are stupid, or cranks, like me. 😊
  15. I am aware you also asked a seemingly genuine question. I apologise for passing. I was reluctant to inform those of you who are 'vaccinated' how bad the situation is - who wants to be the bearer of bad news? As I say, if you decide to take it seriously there are many things that can be done - Dr David Cartland and others, offer specialist practices to help. This website has some great resources: https://covid19criticalcare.com
  16. https://t.me/DrTessLawrie Mike Yeadon’s Telegram - he’s gone full conspiracy theorist! https://t.me/DrMikeYeadon
  17. Dear LDV Since you appear to be genuinely asking a question I will respond. Directly. The reason I have thrown a number of things into the ‘melting pot’ is that I know it is best that people reach their own conclusions rather than be pointed to the answers. Which is party because the answers are both unbelievable and horrific. In short there is an ongoing and concerted campaign to de-populate the World, ie; kill us. It is for example, the sole reason governments wish to fluoridate our water supply - there are no benefits to teeth. It is the sole reason for the ‘vaccination’ campaign - I say again that ‘covid’ was a hoax (there was certainly a bug going around and people certainly died - if you decide to research you will soon discover why). The other reason for my deliberate vagueness was that all of you who have taken ‘vaccine’ shots are in deep trouble (there are things you can do but you will have to take remedial health seriously and start now). I urge you to take this seriously. I am well aware that saying this will invite ridicule but assure you there is nothing funny about it at all. I also say again that the entire vaccination industry/process is fraudulent. If you read about it you will easily discover the reason for the reduction in polio, mumps etc was better sanitation and health. The vaccine industry promotes a lie because it has been in their interest to do so. People such as Andrew Bridgen, nurse Dr John Campbell and many others are all well aware that so-called ‘excess deaths’ are because of the ‘vaccines’ and well aware there is a gencocidal campaign going on against humanity but cannot openly say because they will come in for the same ridicule I am no doubt about to receive. The reason I started this thread with the excellent film by Mikki Wills is because the plan of those who are currently doing their best to kill us is to move the entire planet to a Chinese style social credit system. It is not about ‘Communism’ it is about control. This plan has been in gestation for a long time. As a member of the intelligence services George Orwell was well aware of it and did his best to warn us in his book 1984. If you have any interest in what I am saying here I suggest you do your own research. But buckle-up - it is no fun to discover. Teapot recently dismissed the people I have referenced as cranks or liars - they are not (although Mike Yeadon - former Chief Sciemtist at Pfizer has definitely become cranky as he has discovered the extent of the awful plan). What often happens is that they - perhaps like you might - become more extreme as they discover the truth. Should you be interested I have found the sanest and most cogent of the various commentators to be South African Dr Tess Lawrie - she was formerly a World Health Organisation advisor and is well respected - her Telegram channel below. I wish you, and any ‘vaccine’ recipients, and the rest of us, the very best of luck.
  18. We can certainly agree a lot of lies are being peddled. Who the culprits are is slowly being revealed..
  19. Yesterday I spent time with an old friend, very senior in a well established business, who 2 years ago was fit and well. After 2 vaccinations and I’m unsure how many ‘boosters’ he is now putting his affairs in order. There are countless stories such as this. Growing by the day. Time will tell who is being ‘thick’ and/or wasting our time.
  20. I thought I was clear previously why it feels unhelpful to answer directly. Where I have previously pointed to well-qualified medical professionals for example, and peer reviewed studies, people respond by saying ‘quack’ or nonsense - rather than actually read what is being said & written. It feels unhelpful to fan that mindset. The things I have pointed to are all evidence based, and are being slowly discussed, and - to a degree - accepted by some of the mainstream anyway. Nothing I say here is going to change anyone’s mind - but anyone interested enough will soon discover what is going on. Or they could listen to their clearly well informed children..
  21. What a shame you have so little respect for your own child that you are unwilling to even consider any possibility than your own rigid beliefs (or that one of your own children may in fact be better informed than yourself)
  22. What you are asking is not unreasonable. However, since the events of 9/11 I have likely invested 000’s of hours attempting to discover what is really going on in our World, and why. As a consequence I am reasonably confident I have a handle on it. Part of what motivated my curiosity, and diligence, was the initial response to some seemingly far fetched propositions which initially stretched credulity - I suspect this reaction is what prompts so many people to go ‘down the rabbit hole’. I am not inclined to share my - and millions of others’ - findings here; if you are so motivated feel free to research yourself. Doubtless, as so many others have before you, you will draw similar conclusions (and in due course probably be labeled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ 😉). But the fact so many water authorities, including the Manx one, are motivated to put a known carcinogen in our water speaks volumes.
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