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  1. You're right, I'm being a wally!
  2. So is this a thing, deleting your old comments?
  3. It's been a while since I logged on to MF and I'm just taking a look back at this old thread given that another Roots has popped up. A person called Jack White seemed to have a lot to say on the matter but since then virtually all of their comments have disappeared, is this usual on MF?
  4. Blimey JW, keep your shirt on! I'll just give a quick run down on the 'specifics' I think you're talking about..... So on the subject of 'Avoiding Tithing', I know the following 'specifics'. You know someone who owns the one in the villa, and they have 2 other properties that you won't name. You actually know the owner but won't tell us who he is, but he's a very busy little bunny. Hi vibes has commented that a chap called Adrian Christian is MD of one of the restaurants and used to be in the living hope church. According to you, he's not the owner but there is a company called Riverside that this Christian chap is the MD of, but he's definitely not the owner You know the owner doesn't post on Mf You have a collection of semi amusing pictures that you like to post during your efforts to shut people down You don't like folks hiding behind a persona on mf, are we to presume that you are the real Jack White? You don't go to church. It's the last time you will reply to me. You use bizarre idioms. So thanks jackwhite, now armed with the 'specifics' I can bugger off from mf and go on my merry way safe in the knowledge that your 'specifics' have equipped me with the tools I need avoid the tithe, joy to all. It's a shame you're not going to reply to me because I'll put it to you that you are either throwing your toys out of the pram because someone has dared question the tithing situation or in actual fact that you are Adrian Christian himself. Thank you to Hivibes and others who have commented. If I hear anymore details I'll be sure to risk the wrath of JW and post it on this thread.
  5. I'm glad you like the traffic light system joke, it's good to know members of the congregation have a sense of humour ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. I agree, I'm not sure if tithing is compulsory if you're a member or just a voluntary donation. The bloke seems to think that the living hope have helped to purchase equipment for the Peel business but I now see that there is a new Douglas branch of Roots which has got me a wondering. Maybe the gov could introduce some kind of traffic light warning system to help people like myself navigate these waters........
  7. Please don't try and shut down my quest to be more informed about the choices I make. I'm not trying to jeopardize local business, I'm on here because I hope that some of the members will be in a position to point me in the right direction. Not being a native I'm not privy to local knowledge hence the use of this site. If the local BNP ran the coffee shop I had my favourite panini in then I'd want to know in order to avoid putting pennies in the pockets of an abhorrent organization.
  8. Thanks for your helpful comments Jack, may your prayers come true.
  9. Sorry if I'm missing something, is this Riverside company part of the LH?
  10. If you know who owns the one in the Villa do you know if they are part of the LHC?
  11. Gizo, I'm honestly not sure if it is but a bloke from work talked about a large lhc presence there. I know what you mean Sheldon, the missus and I both love what they do but it just leaves a bit of a taste knowing where our pennies may be going, the thought of inadvertently funding a pray away the gay scheme certainly makes a biscoffi coffee taste a bit bitter..... 2bees, I hear ya.
  12. Please correct me if I'm wrong but is Roots in Peel part of the ever growing LH church network? I'm really hoping not as the Mrs and I enjoy a drive to Peel for a coffee and cake from these guys but I'd rather not be adding to the LHs coffers if I can help it. So far we've got the Bradda, The Sound, Glen Helen and the NSC to avoid, Am I missing anywhere else?
  13. Oh, some more places off the list then. I know some folks may not mind giving their money to places as long as the food is good but I donโ€™t really like the idea of my moolah furthering the cause of institutions with such abhorrent views. Thanks for the replies folks.
  14. I saw someone on fb saying there were a load of alpha course pamphlets on their table and something about dodgy Christian tunes on the radio.
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