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Everything posted by Bandits

  1. I’m guessing similar potentially wrong allegations have caused the forum similar issues. None of this has been reported in the media. The school and the DeSC in particular could well have an issue with something like this being said especially after all the current sensationalist stories.
  2. Surely you are exposing this forum to risk of legal action for mentioning that. It’s not been reported anywhere at all.
  3. So you know who did it then? And equally you will note that I said “He’s the sort of ..” not that he did do it.
  4. He must have felt like a true scouser watching Liverpool play from prison.
  5. You aren’t arguing and neither am I. The Executive Committee can throw out or decide on anything it wants. The decisions and votes cast are minuted. That makes them responsible ultimately for what is delivered to ratepayers by the employees and officers of the council.
  6. Despite his claims that this is all a left wing conspiracy to stop him standing again even if found guilty he’ll still be able to stand and probably will unless the Republicans get far too embarrassed by association with whatever will inevitably come out of all of this. It’s compulsive viewing. The man is literally an insane basket case who seems happy to even try to incite riots in order to get his own way. He really needs taking down and taking down hard this time as he’s spent his whole life believing that he can bully and bribe his way out of any problem and so far he’s been right and seems to think he’s invincible.
  7. It’s an executive committee comprised of councillors. They made the decision (ie, they ratified the proposal to make the changes). JW said that it’s got nothing to do with the councillors and it’s down to the staff which I don’t agree with. It’s got everything to do with the councillors who could have just said “no” to any changes proposed or proposed something entirely different. You can’t blame the staff as by doing that you’re suggesting the councillors aren’t responsible for anything and can’t make staff do anything (ie, they’re totally powerless token positions).
  8. They’re clearly executive positions as there is a recently new standing committee system with an Executive Committee and three sub committees. There are five councillors on the Executive Committee these are the Leader of the Council who serves as its Chair and the Chairs for each of the three committees, and a Member who does not serve on the three other committees. These are all councillors. It’s all here: http://www.douglas.gov.im/index.php/the-council/committees#.ZCmcwi_TUgo The Minutes of the executive committee meeting which approved the bin charges are available online. You can’t say they have nothing to do with things when there are clear Minutes available in the public domain confirming exactly who voted for an action to be taken by a committee and who didn’t.
  9. Was he still out last week? He’s the sort of raving loon who could happily ring in a bomb warning at a school if he thought paedo drag queens were there.
  10. So you’re staying that being a councilor is purely a notional position and that they have absolutely no influence on actual council employees or projects at all so can’t be blamed for anything? The minutes of meetings suggest otherwise as they evidence decisions being made and things being approved.
  11. It’s very clear Bawden is Happier Diner. Are you all really, really, stupid?
  12. Bandits

    Firm closing

    Nevermind all the brewery staff got to stay off on a pissing down afternoon to watch all the fab stuff on the telly about Queenie. And then they’ll get to go out tonight to a nice independent pub or restaurant to escape all the stuff on telly about Queenie.
  13. He’s most certainly the Peoples Prince though 😂
  14. OMG that man is the most self deluded people in government. I’m sure the Royal Family will be eternally grateful that he cut his holiday short to come back to the IOM. They couldn’t possibly have had any peace of mind without some third rate oaf from Onchan attending some local gathering.
  15. Bandits

    Firm closing

    Where the hell is that?
  16. Bandits

    Firm closing

    Yes with staff getting less hours. This is the start of what’s going to be a grim winter. Nevermind we’ll be lamenting the Queens death for months yet to give us something to focus on. If we don’t end up in a war in Ukraine.
  17. Callister is his own parody account.
  18. We’ve still got the coronation of that useless big-eared clown Charles III to look forward to yet. And William’s investiture as well as the funeral. Another few months off at least. It’s pathetic.
  19. You don’t have five grand 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  20. No doubt it will take “him” ages to work out who the narc is 😂😂 Let us know how it all rolls out.
  21. There’s a difference between telling a joke and being a smug hate filled little cunt.
  22. He tends to take out his own personal lack of success on the rest of the world. It is quite hateful. It’s amazing DTC allow him the platform even if he claims his social accounts have no connection to his failed role as a basically useless yet pointlessly noisy town councilor .
  23. Whan standing on a recycling box 😂
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