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  1. That website is great - thanks. Some good contacts on there that I plan to reach out to. In the meantime any other advice would be appreciated. I'm sure there are many on these forums that would have done something similar and have experiences / knowledge to share.
  2. LOL Thank you - it will be in the technology / SaaS sector 😁. I did a lot of googling and was looking at a bunch of the sub-websites on https://www.iomdfenterprise.im/ and other forums. Somehow missed the site you shared 😁 Most of the resources seem to focus on an employee relocating, or starting an offshore business. In my case, I want to move all my affairs at once to IOM and couldn't seem to find a section that deals with that. Couldn't seem to find a definitive answer on whether a UK citizen can just easily incorporate and start working for their own business, or whether there are any particular barriers to navigate.
  3. Hello, I am planning to start a new consulting company and have a solid cash position to fund the company. I know my sector well, having worked in it for over 15 years. I am a British citizen and also looking to move to the Isle of Man. I'd like the to enjoy the twin benefit of low / zero corporation tax rate and also a lower income tax rate. Being honest, I'm also not a massive party animal (I do enjoy the outdoors and going for a few drinks to the pub / cafe with close friends), so I know I won't miss the busy city life at all. I just want to hunker down and build my business and live in a peaceful, healthy environment. Based on the information above, please can some kind folks on here advise me on the following: - Would I need a work permit to work for my own company as a Director (once the company has been incorporated and I have registered my residence on the Island)? - Are there any good websites or IOM government agencies that provide support for people looking to do what I am planning? Any other useful general advice would be much appreciated. I am in the initial planning phases, but really serious about this. Planning a visit to the Island for a week to do a tour and potentially some networking & research. Thank you, Albany
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