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  1. Thats fair enough , totaly understandable logic for taking it ,if you feel you need it . Which is what it should have always been . An option totaly upto you .. not something that shouldv been used as a blackmail tool to us who dont require 1. You take your own precautions which is right and just . But as for all the mask,quarantine business and testing bollocks . Nope im not gettin involved in that shite . We were too harsh with the border situation . If you feel threatened by it stay at home its your choice,wear a mask. Distance . Its up to you. But society should never have been shut down like it was. As for me putting you at risk 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck off
  2. The source of such data is very questionable. Maybe it was heard imunity by us unvaxed nut jobs . Or maybe ,just maybe the date was recorderd diffrently . The truth will come out eventualy. Id just like to know why all us unvaxed are still alive and kicking with good health ,with such a deadly pandemic ... maybe it wasnt that bad after all eh . Would love another lockdown holiday tho . Great times .. quite liberating ignoring the system and just cracking on
  3. If my arguement cant be proved and neither can any of yours. were does that put us ?
  4. Who ever said it was evidence ?? Im not here to prove facts . Just givin my opinion like everyone else in here .. but i do think this fella might know a bit more than any of us experts
  5. A few holes in the story here . Medical proffesional obviously full of shit. Dont they sound and look happy . Love it when tv jernos and politicians get schooled. Wish i could find the kate burley 1 . She gets proper wound up
  6. Why are strokes ,heart attacks ,micarditis,clots more common in post vax days ... hang on ots just conspiracy , move along nothing to see here
  7. As said before the vast majority of people dont need the so called vax . Its the flu . Why are so many people refusing further vaxs ? What did it do to ther health ? Isnt it more true to say that a lot of people were weak and blackmailed into it for fear of never being able to leave the country/island in our case. Look at how many doses ov vax are wasted . If you have to be blackmailed into a narrative , it needs closer inspection
  8. No not at all. I am a self confessed sceptic , Il look at all aspects of an arguement /debate. For and against from many angles. I Can only speak from experiance as to what wev all witnessed and own personal experiances. Combined with all politics around it ,the holes in the story and how many people have profited massivly out of the scam . It just doesnt add up . You can quote as much data as you like . But who is supplying such data. . I suppose a lot of you probabaly believe a covid vax passport was justified too ?? Even tho moraly wrong
  9. Thers lots of science out ther if yer not too narrowminded to look at it
  10. Backing it up by science ... 😅😅😅 classic
  11. Every post from you pro vax nutters to us antivaxers as you call us are both shitty and patronising. So why wouldnt i repay the compliment.. in fairness i feel sorry for and pity you
  12. Iv been lurking in this place for years . Other than the obvious consensus that rob callister and david ashford are cunts and We are gettin destroyed financialy by the civil service, Which i think we can all agree on .. i havnt seen any other facts on this forum
  13. I dont need to prove anything mate. You seem like the typical bloke down the pub expert. Prove me wrong .... fact is ya cant .
  14. Doesnt get me worked up son . I just find the inconsitancy of morons like yourself iritating . Like an itchy bollock thats all. But certainly not worked up. Maybe you should speak to NHS workers accross for there opinion. which thanks to my profession as a contractor i actualy get to do quite a lot . I get allsorts of opinions on this topic ,which is very good . Everyone knows were i stand on it . Which isnt lizard people taking us over, magnetic,5g ,a bill gates microchip, and god knows watever other crazy theories out ther .. but when you talk to people on a daily basis who were directly impacted by all this noncense ,you tend to get a diffrent picture to wat the BBC say . Which i guess is were most people look to to back up your crackpot pandemic bullshit. There is / was a huge amount of nhs workers who refused this particular jab based on fact and experiance on the so called front line . They are the people to listen to. Not corrupt politicians with buisiness intrests. Follow the money son .... have fun with the gramer and spelling , snuk a few gud uns in ther
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