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  1. Or the UN could take back the land they gave the Jews, give it back to the Palastinians and ship all the Jews to the USA. Celt, The land was not given to "the Jews" by the UN. The Jews are the indigeneous people of that land - as confirmed by the archaeological and historical record going back 4,000 years - and the only reason lots of Jews have lived in places like Europe, North America, Ethiopia, and as far east as India and China, is because they were violently expelled from their homeland on multiple occasions: 722 BC by the Assyrians; 586 BC by the Babylonians; and in 150 AD by the Romans. It was the Romans who, after laying waste to the region of Judea, went and renamed it "Palaestina" as part of a strategy to reduce the Jewish identification with the area, as it was a hotbed of Jewish insurrections against the Roman Empire. Who are these "Palestinians" to whom you would "give back" the land? They are the descendants of Arabs who conquered the region during the medieval period and economic migrations from Arab countries who flocked there for work during the late 19th and early 20th century when the early Aliyah movement was underway and the early Zionists were turning what had become a backwater desert area into a bustling agricultural and economic centre. Throughout the last 2,000 years, even after the expulsions, there has always been a continuous Jewish presence in the land, especially in Jerusalem which was the centre of the Jewish civilisation. The city of Jerusalem was built by Jews under the rulership of Jewish monarchs like King David and King Solomon. Not only was there always a Jewish presence in the region, especially around Jerusalem, but there have always been exoduses of Jews back to the land because of persecution in Europe. In 1492, when Columbus was sailing to America, the Jews were violently expelled from Spain during the Inquisition, with many returning to their homeland in Judea, otherwise called Palestine. This word "Palestine" is derived from the "Philistines", an ancient people who have no relationship whatsoever with the current people who call themselves "Palestinian". Actually, for centuries, the term "Palestinian" was used to refer to both Jewish and Arab inhabitants of the area. Arab nationalism didn't take off untill the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War. Until that time there was little or no notion of "Syrian Arab", "Lebanese Arab", "Iraqi Arab", or even "Turkish" - they were all subjects of the Ottoman Empire. At no point in history since the founding of Islam did the Arabs have national identities (beyond Arab); they had only their local tribal affiliations and a broader identification with a caliphate or ummah (Islamic nation or empire), the last being the Ottoman Caliphate. There was no national Arab group called "Palestinians". It is a post-1948 invention. Prior to the re-establishment of Israel, the term was used only in a regional sense and applied equally to both Jews and Arabs alike. These "Palestinians" are Arabs, they are not indigeneous to that region. Arabs come from the Arabia, as Jews come from Judea. Also, back in 1948, there were more Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews expelled from Arab states and who fled to Israel than the number of Arabs who fled the area of Israel. Something like happened with India and Pakistan would have been the best outcome, but the surrounding nations instead banded together and tried to wipe Israel off the map and then refused to integrate the Arab refugees into their own borders, whereas Israel had integrated the Jewish refugees (from Arab countries) into its borders - and so we are left with a deliberately perpetuated refugee crisis which is entirely the fault of the Arab nations yet is blamed on Israel. I would also like to point out that Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews (from Middle Eastern and Arab areas) make up 50.2% of the Jewish population of Israel, compared to 47.5% who are Ashkenazi Jews (European) and that is based on 2009 statistics, meaning the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews are a majority even after the mass influx of Jews from the former Soviet Union in the 1990s, which means throughout Israel's history, its Jewish population has been majority Middle Eastern, which refutes the oft-repeated claim that Israel's Jews are Europeans who've stolen and colonised land from Middle Eastern people. The facts simply do not support such outrageous distortions of reality. Why would the Jews be sent to the USA? They are not indigeneous to the USA. They are from Judea. Your comments are ill-informed and offensive. D.C. The Jews are the indigeneous people of that land? No there are not. They are indigeneous to modern day Iraq as that's where they came from, the region of Mesopotamia. Some Greek sources even thought they could have originated from India. After the Exodus from Eqypt and fighting amoungst themselves, they eventually formed what could be called a Nation is around 1300BC. Jerusalem was already built when King David made it the Capital, however, Soloman is credited with building the first Temple. You say they are from Judea? So they are not from Israel then as those Tribes dissapeared to leave only Judea. The Lost Tribes of Israel ring any bells? In 587BC the Babylonians capture Jerusalem and exiled the Jews back to Iraq from whence they came. So in fact they only had what you would call a Nation for some 800 years. Not bad though for what was once Nomadic tribes. The the UN give them the land in Israel due to the volume of mis-placed jews after WW2. As for sending the Jews in Israel to the USA? Since it is the Jewish owned Federal Bank funding them, why not. Giving a group of people someone elses land was wrong no matter how you want to see it with your indoctrinated views. Imagine bringing all the exiled Scots who were Cleared from the Highlands back and giving them the land which was rightly theirs. I'm pretty sure the Scots wouldn't start blowing up innocent people to get back their lands. Which ever way you look at it, nothing gives then the justification to blast the hell out of innocent people with missile when they have enough ground forces to go in and take out Individuals. Nothing whatsoever. Ill informed? Doubt it. Offensive? Only if you believe the shoite the Media put out and only see things from one side.
  2. Or the UN could take back the land they gave the Jews, give it back to the Palastinians and ship all the Jews to the USA.
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