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The Blues Festival?


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Sadly it was poo. Same dickhead chavs turning up and screaming at each other but without the tents and bands and cool stuff.


Highlight was being kicked out of the queens by the fire officer into the pissing rain, yay.


Which pubs/area were the chavs screaming outside?

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I only went yesterday afternoon/night so I managed to miss all the rain heh. Glad to see the police doing a better job than last year, there were a few rowdy chavs but they soon got moved along.


As for the actual festival bit I thought it went really well, the bands were spot on and even though I'm not a big fan of blues I enjoyed it a lot. Although to be honest it's not all blues, generally the ticketed gigs are for the hardcore bluesers but the fringe stuff had a great mixture of stuff on.


The reason there were no tents or marquees or anything was because the original plan was to just have the pavillion gigs on. Which would've been rubbish and hardly a 'festival', as it stands some people came along at the last minute and sorted some gigs out. Which was good :)

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i went on friday night and it was fantastic - the queens. right at the front i was. was outside in the beer garden too - proper chilled atmosphere - no trouble. i think its pathetic people who go down there just to get drunk thinkin its a full on chav fest. they spoil it for the real music fans!


gutted i missed sat and sun but couldnt be helped! my bro got married.


well done to all the organisers though at the queens - Val & Barry Nelson, Earle etc, did a wicked job. did miss the tent though but ah well.



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Had a brilliant weekend, the Queens on fri for BDS was amazing, shame so many people were stuck outside in the rain, a marquee is definitely needed for next year.


Sat we went to the main stage, missed BDS as was watching Stone Creation then Dunders at the Bridge but Steve Clayton was ace, highlight was when he pulled Dave Mc on stage and they played the keys together :D Saw a bit of Connie Lush then headed to catch Steph Joyce & Mikey Reaney at the Mines afterwards - fantastic as ever. :) two of the best voices on the Island...


Sunday at the Queens was amazing too, BDS, Maldune & others - well done to all involved.

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