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Samples Synths And Noises


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Hi, I'm writing on behalf of a Local band with plans to make visits to UK and Ireland. They're looking at extending their lineup to incorporate a synth/samples section. A bit difficult to explain, but if you're into beeps, freq's and modulated noises instead of heavy riffs and double bass drums then you might be what we need.

Their influences are: Massive Attack, Dark Star, Mogwai, LCD SoundSystem, Muse, Suicide Sports Club, Biffy Clyro Jeff Buckley and Radiohead. If this sounds up your alley, or you know somone who might enjoy this please email me, martyncain@manx.net obviously not being made of money the appropriate person would have to have alot of the equipment already. things like: Synths Kaoss Pads, samplers, laptops, keyboards, even decks etc would be interesting.


Ideally the person shouldn't be in another band already as a big commitment will need to be made.


thanks rock on


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alright Trin? I'm grand thanks, how are you? Haven't seen you for ages. hope you're still crazy.



lectro, cheers I'll have an ask around on there. I know of a few on MB that would be good, but unfortunately they're already busy with things.. Doh!


cheers guys and gals.

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Im doing good thanks Martyn, Im still enjoying life as a 'soccer' coach stateside... hard life I can tell ye ;) - But yes, I have retained my mentalness dear boy!!!


Peace bro, good luck with helping your buddies on this - ps if you have any cool new music - send it to me! x


alright Trin? I'm grand thanks, how are you? Haven't seen you for ages. hope you're still crazy.



lectro, cheers I'll have an ask around on there. I know of a few on MB that would be good, but unfortunately they're already busy with things.. Doh!


cheers guys and gals.

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