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Decent Cheap Online Rpg


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Eternal Lands is what I'm currently playing. Its free, quite good graphics, lots to do, and its still in beta, so they're adding new stuff a lot.


Knights Online is one I'm hearing about a lot, but I dont have the URL for that to hand, and I know its a big download, too big for dialup users :angry: its free, but allegedly going p2p soon.

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Currently playing as "Gunslingers" ;)


Not played in a few days, but another game I've been playing for over a year just went pay-to-play, so its time to switch to EL :D


By the way, www.elrocks.com is a really good site to have open while you play, provides a lot of useful info ;)

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Trading looks tricky til you've done it once, then you'll work it out. I admit though the channels can be confusing, took me a while to get used to them lol. Best thing to do is just stick to the channel you're put in when the game loads ;) .. I've been playing over a month and still only know the newb channel and market channel lol.

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Well, I'll give it a shot lol.


Market Channel (and channels in general) - Each channel seems to just be a number. 1 is the newb channel, 3 is the market channel. Each time you login you get put on whatever channel you were on last time you played. To change your channel, to join the market channel for example, just type "#jc 3" without the quotation marks.


To post a message to the channel yer on, just do @hello or @hi, I'm selling x ... @ works for each/every channel. Not much else to it, other than working out what other channels there are out there. Apparently, there's over 100 preset ones!


As for trading, thats pretty straightforward. The 2 hands (they look like shaking-hands sign) is the trade button. Click that, then click the player you want to trade with. If he/she agrees to trade, a new window opens.


You then put in the stuff you're selling, or the coins if you're buying, and when the other person has done the same, you click the little box and an x will appear. When they do the same, the trade is complete.


If you're still stuck tomorrow let me know and I'll get in game and try and explain a bit better ;)

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Yeah, it gets tedious after a while, because you have to research a lot, and/or do the same thing repeatedly to raise your skills (harvesting and mining for example). Thats why I've not been playing it as much just lately.


But, they are supposed to be adding more new stuff, to give the game a bit more variety from the start. Plus, I really want to stop killing the animals and start killing the gargoyles and goblins and stuff - just takes so long to get to that point.

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