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Easy Ways To Reduce Server Load From A Forum?

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AWS has not moved on as much as expanded to include Windows, that tutorial is still a valid set-up guide for Linux, which is what I understand Cret currently uses. If you get a decent image the amount of faffing via the command line is minimal.

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EC2 is effectivley a server and you can add EBS volumes, which you can think of as hard disk space, thats all you need to get going.

RDS is Databases, you can run a databse on the EC2 server which is what I would do to start off, though it is better to use an RDS instance and there is a free tier micro instance for this, there are other Data services from Amaxon but not what you need. RDS has many advantages like automatic back-ups and monitoring.

S3 is basically cloud storage and file serving, very good as a CDN for media files, you may want to use this though this is more likely something that invision either does or does not support.

CloudFront - This is a globally distributed network not something you need, you can also use this with S3 to allow real streaming of Video etc.


As for control panels you have PHPMYAdmin for the Database, and the command line via WinSCP.


That's really useful thanks mate. Mates it a lot easier to digest.

That said, while I try the occasional dabble in phpmyadmin, command line REALLY isn't something I like. And Linux command line for me would be like a fish writing an iphone app!

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