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Holy Tuesday Meditation

Charles Flynn


It has been a long time since I studied chemistry with that wonderful Douglas High School teacher, W.A.G. Leece. As time goes on, I have forgotten most of it. However I do remember sodium as a very active element which needs to be kept in a special container. I also recollect from WAG’s lessons that chlorine is a poisonous gas with an unattractive odour. But when these two elements combine they form sodium chloride a most useful compound, - the common salt which adds flavour to our food.


This thought leads me to a parable comparing truth and love. When truth and love go hand in hand, we have what Jesus wanted - people who are the salt of the earth. But when they are separate, there are all sorts of problems, and problem people with undesirable characteristics.


Truth and love were found in perfect harmony in Jesus Christ. During his trial before Pontius Pilate Jesus said: ‘I am come to bear witness to the truth.’ As a pharmacist I know from my lengthy training with kind teachers that truth spoken in love is an immense force for good. However, truth, not spoken in love, can be unbalanced and offensive. Imagine telling a patient who has been diagnosed with a serious illness the truth, but with no sensitivity.


It is a tragedy that some people settle for one but not the other. This results in many of the problems for the world and its people. When truth and caring love are separated, the salt loses its saltiness. Let us ensure that the truth we tell, is combined always with love.


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