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Churches Celebrate Christ's Birth

Like millions throughout the world I worshipped the Birth of Christ at Christ-mass last evening. The number of families of ordinary people joining in the celebrations over Advent and Christmas reveals that on this island those who deny Christ's message and portray people of faith as deluded are portraying a picture of island life which does not reflect the true picture.   Christ is Alive!   More than ever His message of love is needed. We should not live for ourselves but for others, sha

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Churches Celebrate Christ's Birth

Like millions throughout the world I worshipped the Birth of Christ at Christ-mass last evening. The number of families of ordinary people joining in the celebrations over Advent and Christmas reveals that on this island those who deny Christ's message and portray people of faith as deluded are portraying a picture of island life which does not reflect the true picture.   Christ is Alive!   More than ever His message of love is needed. We should not live for ourselves but for others, sha

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Oral Contraceptives In Pharmacies Proposal

Generally this would be welcomed by the profession as really it is just another extension of our present role.     Pharmacists are experts in medicines and have a track record of supplying medicines such as emergency hormonal oral contraception over-the-counter and via Patient Group Directions.   They already have the clinical skills and expertise that will help them provide information and advice to women to ensure the appropriate use of oral contraception.   Supplying the oral contrac

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Pharmacies Can Improve Mens Health

MEN’S MACHO ATTITUDE COULD COST 40,000 LIVES PER YEAR Community pharmacy could hold the key to saving the lives of 40,000 men every year*. New research from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) could shed light on the reasons behind the poor state of men’s health in Britain. The RPSGB commissioned study, designed to discover how men’s attitudes might affect their healthcare, revealed that 59% of men are reluctant to ask for help and only seek medical advice if they are ‘very

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Chlamydia Treatment In Pharmacies

CHLAMYDIA TREATMENT IN PHARMACIES WILL DELIVER CONVENIENT CARE FOR PATIENTS The decision by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to approve the reclassification of azithromycin for the treatment of chlamydia infection will mean convenient and effective care for patients, said the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB). Azithromycin, currently licensed as a prescription-only medicine, is expected to be available for sale from pharmacies without a pre

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Avoid Holiday Health Hell

THOUSANDS RISKING HOLIDAY HEALTH HELL NEW RESEARCH SHOWS New research released by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) today reveals 81% of Brits fall ill while on holiday – and many of them risk taking overseas medications without understanding the instructions, possible side-effects or dosage. The majority of holiday-makers have experienced common ailments like sunburn, insect bites, headache, upset stomach or diarrhoea while abroad. Despite this, most spend about £9

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Christian Aid Week 11th-17th May 2008

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK   Between May 11 - 17 are seven days of fundraising that make a real difference to the lives of millions of people in developing countries as we help them help themselves out of poverty.   Last year we raised an amazing £40,000 on the Island matched £1 for £1 by the Government, and this year we need your help to do even better.   This year we are aiming to raise £42,564 from the Isle of Man public to help 7,500 in 10 remote villages in a neglected region east of Mavi

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Green Mann Directory Launch

Green Mann Directory Launch at Neb Café   The Green Mann directory was launched at a function this evening . 10,000 copies have been printed and will be on sale for £1.50 at newsagents from Friday.   Charles Flynn, Chairman of Island21 said:   Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure to see all of you here this evening for the launch of the Green Mann Directory for low impact living. Currently in this country we need three planets to maintain our current lifestyles. There are urgen

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Why We Hate Politics

I have had an email from Roger Tomlinson about the Positive Action Group forthcoming talk. Roger says:   For our next event P A G is indeed fortunate in the choice of speaker. It is one of the U K's foremost political thinkers, Prof. Colin Hay of the University of Sheffield, where he is Professor of Political Analysis.     His most recent book "Why We Hate Politics" forms the basis of the talk.     Last month Colin shared a platform at a packed meeting with Nick Clegg, Leader of the

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Do You Suffer From Hay Fever?

Over five million hay fever sufferers across Britain are putting their health at risk by taking inappropriate medicines for their condition. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) is encouraging sufferers to visit their community pharmacist after new research revealed that the public often misdiagnose their own symptoms and fail to get the correct treatment. Some experts are predicting that this year’s hay fever season will be one of the worst ever with birch and grass polle

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Hay Fever Distress

HAY FEVER SUFFERERS PUTTING HEALTH AT RISK Thousands of Isle of Man hay fever sufferers could be taking inappropriate medicines, putting their health at risk. The Isle of Man branch of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) is encouraging people experiencing the symptoms of hay fever to visit their community pharmacist after new research revealed that the public often misdiagnose the condition and fail to get the correct treatment.   Allergic rhinitis, known as hay fever,

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Watch Out For The Green Mann

GREEN MANN DIRECTORY   Watch out for the Green Mann.   Island 21 is launching its Green Mann Directory in spring 2008. This is a first attempt to help people find sources of local food and Fair-trade items. It also has information about recycling and renewable energy including solar and wind turbines. In fact it is a mine of information for low-impact living and ‘going green.’   The Green Mann Directory has been produced with help from the Royal So

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Internet Medicines

If patients want to purchase medicines over the internet, it is recommended by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society that they only purchase from GB registered pharmacies (not Isle of Man as we have our own register)where they will be dealing with a registered pharmacist.   Patients should look for the Society’s Internet Pharmacy Logo (see www.internetpharmacylogo.org and check that the site is a GB registered pharmacy).   “Anyone who has concerns about the safety or appropriateness of their m

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Island Energy

This meeting should be excellent in explaining our dependence on fossil fuels and the role of Peak Oil - don't know what this is? Here is the opportunity to find out about it and the Transition Island project which looks like it is going great guns!   Positie Action Group PRESS RELEASE ISSUE DATE: 28th March 2008   PAG Public Meeting - Monday 31st March 2008   “ ENERGY ISLAND – ISLAND ENERGY ”   Isle of Man’s dependency on fossil fuel will be put under the spotlight on Monday

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Children's Cough Medicines (cont)

The Paediatric Medicines Expert Advisory Group and the Commission on Human Medicines have reviewed over-the-counter products used for treating cough and colds in children, and advised that certain medicines should no longer be used in children under the age of two. The following advice has been issued:   • Non-prescription cough and cold preparations containing any of the following active substances should not be used in children under 2 years: brompheniramine, chlorphenamine, dextrometorphan,

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Coughs And Colds In Children

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain has just issued the following information to pharmacists. For further advice please ask your local pharmacist.   Good Practice in the Treatment of Coughs and Colds in Children       The Society is issuing this guidance in light of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) decision to review the sale and supply of cough and cold products to children less than 2 years of age.     The MHRA came to their decision to r

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Nature's Resurrection

Natures Resurrection!     Easter is a time when the earth comes alive. The signs of early spring are so much fun to look for. The green buds of nature burst into life - the grass has to be cut again. Happy days!   We can take a walk through a glen or a garden and smell the bluebells. The scent is unmistakeable and well …… heavenly. We know the promise of summer is not far away.   For Christians the glorious scent of nature reminds us of the Easter resurrection promise of new life in

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

On The Third Day...

On the third day he rose again.”   Tell us, Mary, what did you see that early morning on your way?   “I saw his tomb, I saw the glory of Christ, now risen, angels who gave witness. I saw the cloths that covered his head and body. I heard him speak my name and turning, saw he was alive At daybreak I came weeping to the garden for the one I lost. But now, the Sun risen, it was paradise, and I, a new Eve, had news of life for all the living.”

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Smoking And Your Children's Health.

Following the No Smoking Day campaign supported by all the major health organisations I now give details of the effects of smoking on the health of the public, particularly children. It is obvious that society should do as much as possible to stop people starting and if they do we should encourage them to quit.   The cost of smoking is high. In health terms, it is responsible for an estimated 120,000 premature deaths in the UK each year: 46,000 from cancer, 40,000 from circulatory disease a

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Good Friday Meditation

The Cross of St. Francis   One day in the opening years of the 13th century, a young man named Francesco Bernadone, son of a wealthy merchant, entered the tiny deteriorating church of San Damiano, a mile from Assisi in Italy. The young man had all the advantages a prosperous family could offer, but uneasy, he searched for something more.   Only one noticeable object was left in the unused, neglected church - a large life-sized cross hanging above the dark, dusty altar. The Icon of Christ C

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Maundy Thursday Meditation

We find many references to feet in Scripture. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of peace.” Handel took this verse and composed one of the most beautiful solos in his Messiah—a powerful yet gentle offering of peace and glad tidings to all God’s people.   In the New Testament, a woman anoints Jesus’ feet with precious oil, and it reminds us of his eventual burial. Jesus himself tells his disciples that if they are not welcomed in a town, they should

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Holy Wednesday Meditation

Jesus was rejected and executed, but instead of responding with hatred, instead of “an eye for an eye,” Jesus suffered alone, in our place, for our sake. His new commandment – “love others as you love yourself” – bears no resemblance to hate.   Jesus carried a cross in our place, to make us free. Let us seek the joy of others rather than our own. Let us enter into the suffering of our Saviour, so that we can also enter into the suffering of our brothers and sisters.   In Graham Greene’s

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Holy Tuesday Meditation

It has been a long time since I studied chemistry with that wonderful Douglas High School teacher, W.A.G. Leece. As time goes on, I have forgotten most of it. However I do remember sodium as a very active element which needs to be kept in a special container. I also recollect from WAG’s lessons that chlorine is a poisonous gas with an unattractive odour. But when these two elements combine they form sodium chloride a most useful compound, - the common salt which adds flavour to our food.

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Holy Monday Meditation

We are chopping down the tree and forging the nails; or, at the very least, and quite as bad, we are watching others as they chop and forge. We have more choice than at any other time in history to be of service to our neighbours; we know how our being rich makes others poor; we know how our being prodigal wrecks the global ecology; we know where people are being tortured. At a more personal level, we know about the dynamics of human relationships; we know about self esteem and self respect; we

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

No Smoking Aids.

Below is some information about the Quitting Aids:   Gum.   When you chew nicotine gum, the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of your mouth   Patches   Nicotine patches work well for most regular smokers and can be worn round the clock (24 hour patches) or just during the day (16 hour patches)   Microtabs   The are small tablets containing nicotine which dissolves quickly under the tongue   Lozenges   These are sucked slowly to release the nicotine and take about 20 - 30min

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

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