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"red Herring" - Al Gore,the Climate Sceptics And The Bbc

I received this by email this morning:   MEDIA ALERT: "RED HERRING" - Al Gore, The Climate Sceptics And The BBC >>> >>> On October 10, the BBC's Ten O'Clock News led with the story that a High >>> Court Judge had found nine "errors" in Al Gore's climate film, 'An >>> Inconvenient Truth', which the UK government has been sending to schools >>> around the country. As a result, by way of "balance", the government will >>> now be require

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn


It is October. That can only mean one thing to the beer swilling hordes of the world - beer festivals. I suppose we have ours in June not to mention the rest of the year!   Most have it in October and you tend to think of Munich. Well that is as maybe but it is not only Germans. In fact the Germans are outclassed by the citizens of the Czech Republic. Per capita, they drink 42 gallons (160 litres) of beer annually, the highest (in more ways than one) rate of consumption in the world.  

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Does Gore Misrepresent The Truth?

This is a debate which has been going on in Canada and published by the National Post which is reproduced below.     So how did An Inconvenient Truth become required classroom viewing? Even climate change experts say many of the claims in Al Gore's film are wrong.   Kevin Libin National Post     Saturday, May 19, 2007       CREDIT: Al Gore   First it was his world history class. Then he saw it in his economics class. And his world issues class. And his environment class. In

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn


Don't be in love with yourself. There's more in life than your body. Are you getting a university education just to earn more money? There's nothing wrong with having money, but when money becomes your god, something is wrong. Be thankful. Forgive and avoid holding grudges. There are people who live just to mark and stain the character of others.

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Solzhenitsyn-a Prayer To God.

Humankind invariably suffers. One man who certainly endured enormous suffering was Alexander Solzhenitsyn who endured eight years in Soviet prisons and concentration camps.   However he is still able to pray: How easy it is to live with you, O Lord.   "How easy to believe in You. When my spirit is overwhelmed within me, When even the keenest see no further than the night, And know not what to do tomorrow, You bestow on me the certitude That you exist and are mindful of me, That a

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Climate Change - Some Notes From A Lecture.

What is climate change? “Global Warming” - doesn't tell the whole story Certainly a rise in global air temperature This means more energy is fed into weather systems So more extreme weather conditions – frequency and intensity More and worse hurricanes Flooding Reduced landmass due to sea level rise What causes climate change? Increased CO2, methane, etc in atmosphere Gases trap heat like the glass of greenhouse Greenhouse gases released from long-term storage in ground Fossil fuels

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Investigative Journalism Part Ii

Gavin Macfadyen, director of Centre for Investigative Journalism in London. Speech last year at another event.       Speech:   What we are here to celebrate is of course Investigative Journalism!   It is “uncovering something somebody wants kept secret”and   Exposing social conditions or institutional conduct that has been ignored, by-passed or kept hidden in fear of governments and the wealthy and powerful.   The central social importance of investigative reporting is its abilit

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Investigative Journalsm Pag Talk

It was a full house with the speaker giving a well received talk on investigative journalism throughout the world and then answering questions put to him about specific concerns of IOM residents.   Investigative journalism assists the citizen in their right to know, helping accountability, stamping out injustice, secrecy and wrongs commtted by the powerful against the weak without fear or favour. It "comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable!"   A good journalist has no special fri

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

If I Knew...

IF I KNEW       If I knew it would be the last time That I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.     If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more     If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.     If I knew i

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

There Is Nothing Sadder....

There is nothing sadder than a Christian fellowship where every song must be of victory, every prayer full of faith, every member always smiling and joyful. It is an exhausting pretence to keep up for long, and it condemns those who cannot hide from their fears to further pain of failure and inadequacy. It is actually dishonest. It means that we can never offer our tears as well as our smiles, our questions as well as our certainties, our wounds as well as our victories. It means that we are alw

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Sleep Too Much, Die Early.

Both too much and too little sleep linked to disease and death Mortality increases are associated with both too much and too little sleep, a new analysis of the Whitehall II study data among civil servants has revealed.   Researchers at the University of Warwick and UCL found they could identify effects on mortality and disease resulting from sleep patterns many years before, even when other factors such as age, alcohol consumption, smoking and so on were taken into account.   Results from

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Recycled Bottles Saves Beaches

From US/Eastern News of August 12th 2007 comes a story of a most innovative and excellent form of recycling that could save our authorities a fortune, save our shorelines and our marine ecosystem and overcome the problem of glass disposal to boot. That this would also place cohesive granular material back on our beaches that would help arrest the sand draw down on our steepening and non-cohesive shores is yet a further advantage.   http://cbs4.com/consumer/local_story_234142623.html Broward'

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Walking Benefits Health.

Walking even a short distance a few times a week can yield dramatic improvements in health.   On a relaxing stroll, a walker can burn 200 to 300 calories an hour, shedding pounds with minimal exertion. With a little more effort, the pounds fall away. Walking helps develop stamina, forces oxygen-rich blood into tissues, and improves circulation, and all without the trauma to the knees, hips, and ankles that running and jogging can produce.   The benefits of walking, however, go well beyond t

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

A Sherlock Joke

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went on a camping trip. In the middle of the night Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”   Watson looked up at the night’s sky, and a vista of God’s creation was spread out before him.     Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.” “What does that tell you Watson?” “Well…astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Horologically

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Eco-driving Saves

The term "eco-driving" is starting to appear. It saves money, ensures that driving is safer and not only saves lives and injuries but helps to save the planet.   Average CO2 emissions from new cars in the UK in 2006 were 167.2g/km. This can be substantially reduced by "Eco-driving" i.e. driving a vehicle in such a way that it has as little impact on the environment as possible.   This can include, for example:   adhering to speed limits   accelerating gently, keeping speed constant

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Bowel Cancer Gene To Save Lives

Bowel Cancer Gene Location Could Save Thousands of   Lives.   Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research have identified a common genetic variant   that can increase a person's risk of developing bowel cancer. Their findings appear in a   paper published in Nature Genetics.   Several genes are already known to contribute to bowel cancer risk. However, these are   extremely rare among the population – only around one person in every 2,500 carries any   of the known bowel

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Mix Frog And Frying Pan For A Better Antibiotic.

Research at the University of Michigan suggests creating “Teflon” versions of natural antibiotics found in frog skin can make   potential drugs better at thwarting bacterial defences leading possibly to a better antibiotic. It is all down to antimicrobial   peptides (AMPs). These are produced by most animals and they are the immune system’s early line of defence against   microbes trying to penetrate skin, mucous membranes and other surfaces. Injured or infected frog skin as well as t

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Chocolate Medicine

Chocolate Medicine         The cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) has great potential to benefit the public health and   many of the countries where it is grown. There are some 150 different chemicals in its   leaves, fruits, seeds and bark. The medicinal use of the cocoa plant goes back into   antiquity to the Olmec, Mayan and Aztec civilisations.     According to leading research scientists flavanol - rich foods such as specific cocoas   could provide health benefits in the m

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Doctors Aint Bovver'd

Doctors aren’t bovver’d! The July edition of the International Journal of Clinical Practice reports on research carried out at Birmingham University and Lund University in Sweden. 750 doctors from Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea and the U.K. took part in a 'From the Heart' study. 61% of doctors felt it was acceptable for only 47% of their patients reaching their cholesterol goals. “Although doctors appear to appreciate the risks associated

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Father Of Medicine Imhotep.

Imhotep “Father of Medicine” (2980 B.C.)         We have been misled to believe that ancient Greeks, particularly Hippocrates, were the fathers of medicine . A research team from the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology at Manchester University now say from evidence in medical papyri written in 1,500 BC - some 1,000 years before Hippocrates was born, that Imhotep is the true Father of Medicine.   Imhotep lived during the Third Dynasty at the court of King Djoser. He was a scribe, chi

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Statins Are Remarkably Safe.

As statins are commonly prescribed and are useful in preventing strokes, heart attacks I thought this recent review published in the Lancet would be of interest. Any problems of course should be referred to your doctor as soon as possible. Other measures apart from statin use should be pursued including life style changes - more exercise, dietary changes, cutting down alcohol consumption, reducing weight are normally recommended either before considering statin treatment or as well as statin u

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

How Green Is Your Office?

Research shows that however green we are in the home, most of us leave our eco-habits behind when we clock in for the nine to five. For those of you who can see what needs to be done in your office, but don't know how to go about doing it, here's an eight-point guide put together by the Low Carbon Innovation Network.   Step 1: From tiny acorns...   If staff are pretty good at switching off lights but always leave their computers on, just focus on changing one issue at a time.   'One notew

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Global Poverty

Anita Roddick has pointed me to this website - World on Fire:   www.worldonfire.ca   where singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan compares the the production costs of making a music video to the needs of global poverty.   It’s worth a visit.

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

Greens Good For Night Vision

If you are like me in that your night vision is not as good as it should be, you may be interested in recent American research which suggests chlorophyll derivate chlorine e6 enhances eye sensitivity to red light. So eating your greens rather than carrots could be the key to good night-time vision.   In sight, light activates a visual pigment that sends an electrical signal to the brain. This process happens in the retina in cone and rod cells. Rod cells are insensitive to colour and the c

Charles Flynn

Charles Flynn

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