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Oral Contraceptives In Pharmacies Proposal

Charles Flynn


Generally this would be welcomed by the profession as really it is just another extension of our present role.



Pharmacists are experts in medicines and have a track record of supplying medicines such as emergency hormonal oral contraception over-the-counter and via Patient Group Directions.


They already have the clinical skills and expertise that will help them provide information and advice to women to ensure the appropriate use of oral contraception.


Supplying the oral contraceptive via a Patient Group Direction will widen and improve patient choice, access and convenience.


Community pharmacies are easily accessible with no need for an appointment and located in places where people live, work and shop. Pharmacies also have convenient opening hours, often including the evenings and weekends when GP surgeries are closed.


Regarding the necessary health checks, such as blood pressure testing and healthy lifestyle checks, these are already a part of pharmacist’s extended role.


There is a pilot study in London ready to start next year so if this is successful it is likely at some stage it will happen on the island.


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